Author Topic: VERi announces 2021 event calendar  (Read 2474 times)

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VERi announces 2021 event calendar
« on: November 15, 2020, 06:12:01 pm »
Well 2020 was a bust, so the club is now looking forward to getting back on track in 2021. The committee has been working hard and has come up with the following calendar of events:

March 28: Wandong Vinduro
May 6 - 9: A3VE at Blackwood
June 27: Won Wron Vinduro
July 30 - August 1: Harrow Vinduro
August 29: Beaufort Vinduro
September 19: Ross Creek Vinduro

There's an equal mix of old favourites and exciting new events to look forward to, and we can't wait to get out there.

Obviously we hope that the above dates and venues will not have to change.

Stay safe in the meantime.