Something must have happened to this dude. The neg feedbacks are now up to 20 in 2 weeks and still rising. I have escalated my matter to a claim with Paypal, they don,t make it easy for you , and you have to look long and hard at the small print stuck in the bottom corner which should be in a large bold script, but no ,I guess they don,t want to many people with claims on their hands.... I just had one individual (seller) from the USA ,who after sending me a message stating $20 postage for both items(which was the postage price stamped on the package) decided he was going to keep the $45 excess. I had to pay $32.50 postage per item on the account. He ignored 4 of my messages asking for the refund ,untill I hit him with 2 neg feedbacks ,...then the messages came fast and furious, which I deleted as quick as they came, untill I noticed a refund of $45 in my paypal account. Rather nice of him thought I. He apolagised and asked me to "please retract the neg feedback," alas it can,t be done , only a follow up comment to say that the situation has been resolved was the best I could do for this sorry individual.