Well the day started off looking wet and cold, ended up just being slippery and cold, but got sunburnt (windburnt?) just the same.
Saw some bikes on trailers heading back the other way while I was still driving down there, I'm thinking Hmmm I wonder what they know that I don't know?
Boagy was towing someone out with his tractor as I reached the gate but thought what the hell, I drove in anyway. When I left after lunch I drove out no probs, all that wind was good for something.
Very boggy in the lower sections and I had the odd moment but didn't fall off all day, course I couldn't keep up with the other pre 85's either, I tips my hat to them.
Still have a nervous twitch when I turn corners while walking around the house, keep thinking I'm gonna slip over. The ambulance nearly had to be called for me at one stage too, no not at the track, after I got home when I couldn't get up out my arm chair after my Nanna nap
Good to get out for a ride though, did a sweep lap at Naracoorte other wise my first ride since Harrow last year. Didn't have to worry about losing my MoJo, I eventually remembered I lost it ages ago
Next on my bucket list, To ride Boagys in the dry
Next on my slim possibility list, do some training