Does anyone have any footage from the sideline of this young bloke or any other from this meet ? Not getting picky and the gopro stuff is ok but it all looks the same imo and doesnt show the bikes/rider on the start or in fullflight -cheers -PS missed this meet cant wait for the next origin 
I know what you mean RA77. It is difficult to get a bit of perspective.
By the Sunday a lot of Pre85, Pre90, Pre95 and many Vets were making their way to the spectator mounds to watch the Pre75s he was that inpressive.
During practice he was over-jumping the table tops and flat landing. He was sensible and mature enough to listen to people and from his second ride he was using the bike on the table tops perfectly. Have not seen a Pre75 throw large rooster tails like we watched on the jump down ramps since 1974 at Curro park when I watched Per Kitland and Brian Martin go at it

I will see what I can chase up as far as videos go.
State of Origin is on again on the Oct long weekend at Port Macquarie this year. I have keard a whisper that Queenland and the Vics are already planning BIG things this year

looking forward to it