I agree: it seems a little rude and pointless to write that kind of stuff.
Does anyone actually think: "I was going to deliberately waste that advertisers time, but they have requested that I don't, so I won't."

I can see it's legitimate to write "no offers", "no test rides (without deposit)" maybe. I believe anyone has the right to ask whatever price they want, and include conditions like that. As long as they are honest and upfront.
I agree with some, that lies in adverts are unacceptable, and are the real time wasters.
I once drove hours to buy a bike (modern) described as "You can't pick it from new".
I've never seen a new bike with rust on the chrome, corrosion on the cases and a roughly welded up exhaust where the baffles have been cut out. Disappointing waste of a day, some effort, and petrol.
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead, it's just hard on those around you.
It's kind of the same way when you're stupid!