I have had mine for years, purchased from the builder in Newcastle. It lifts my trike with no problems at all and it weighs a little under half a tonne. My wife gave it to me for my birthday or fathers day or maybe because she felt sorry for me sitting on the workshop floor to work on my bikes, can't remember just know that I couldn't do without it now.
I did some rough drawings of it for a mate to copy and build his own. The drawing which includes a full list of all bits, sizes etc needed, must have been ok because he has finished it and it works fine, he uses it to lift the Honda Goldwing trikes that he builds.
Mine uses a air over hydraulic foot operated pump but that could be converted to a hand type pump if needed. If anyone is interested in the drawings send me your email address and I will send them to you.
The photos below are of mine and the other if of my mates copy with one of his trikes on it.