Author Topic: Vintage Class A4DE  (Read 48722 times)

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Offline Slakewell

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2017, 01:19:17 pm »
Copy Pasted from Facebook

Ok the Regs are now available for the vintage class in next years A4DE in Cessnock, there hasn’t been much said so far regards this class from the club so far and for good reason in that that nothing had been confirmed, we knew what we wanted and what we now have is a very good workable compromise between all parties involved that pretty much allows everyone of or approaching a vintage age with what the FIM have ruled as a vintage bike can have a ride.
So if I can start off by explaining a few things that may help clear up some negativity harbored by the minority out there.
Firstly this is not a Vinduro, it is also not a vintage 4day, it is a support class for the A4DE that is peripheral to the event the idea was born from a want to celebrate 40 years of A4DE and how to go about that, The Cessnock club held the first 4day, were now going to hold the first vintage class in a 4day, were trying our best to incorporate something new at the last minute, so bear with us,
We spoke with as many people as we could find associated with Vinduro to first get a feel if we could get enough riders to do the class justice, our hope is that this will carry on to next year’s 4day and so far everyone involved top to bottom is very enthusiastic about that idea, however the brief was to keep it simple so it had the best chance of success and support the A4DE.
It had to be a celebration of what John Hall started and what all the clubs over the years with limited resources and a handful of key members have managed to pull off year after year to get us to this point.
So in brief the Vintage class incorporates two classes,
The 78 er’s:
As many of the original riders from the 1st 4day preferably on period pre 80 enduro bikes for the John Hall memorial trophy.
If you rode the 79 event your still in with a chance but preference will be given to the class of 78.
Pre1986 and 45yrs and over:
Enduro bikes only, no converted mx bikes, this is a celebration of past Enduro’s the VMX guys have their own successful series.
We wanted riders of the age that would have ridden these bikes up to 86 when they were new and used to own one, which when you get your calculator out is about 50yr’s and over, this was thrown around a bit, we listened to our collaborators and finally settled on 45yrs and over to open the class up a bit.
So if you owned a new pre 86 enduro bike when you were 12, well done, I’m sure you went on to achieve great things.
Pre 1986 is the FIM’s last class and what they call evolution, if you take the time to read through the FIM’s Vintage Trophy class extensive and detailed eligibility regulations regarding the five classes, what carbie what type of ignition, exhaust and suspension length is allowed you will see just how complex it is.
That is not what this event is about and we simply do not have the resources to manage that many extra classes or manage the people who would try to challenge that amount of detail, “everyone’s an expert”, above all this is designed to be as sociable and as achievable as possible.
This pre 86 class will allow as many as possible to ride, some will be disadvantaged by there older bikes but we know that most will not be trying for a trophy they will simply be there to take part, enjoy the feeling of reliving past times, meet up with old friends and if you nail just one corner or one hill climb in the four days then it was all worth while.
All vintage riders will ride together at the back of the field, we will be last to leave each day and first to finish.
When you enter you can nominate who you want to ride with so a bunch of mates can ride together.
The timing for this class will be easier and inflated similar to our aging physiques.
The course will be less than the main event, well under a hundred km’s each day with a couple around the 75km mark and were trying to get everyone back to the Parc Ferme in time so you can see the first of the riders from the main event start the final special test of the day at the showground.
The course is not all hardcore single trail there’s a fare bit of dirt road and four wheel drive tracks between special tests.
The first day will be relatively easy on the trail.
The A4de DNF rule applies to us so you can restart each day even if your out of the results, we want to do everything we can to get as many vintage bikes to the final motocross as possible and remember it’s only really 3.5 days.
Were trying to be enthusiastic and easy going about this as possible but there has to be a line in the sand at some point.
Some run on models will be accepted, were not going to put up a list of bikes, let me know what you have and we’ll do our best to be fare and accommodate you within the rules.
On that point study the A4de regulations and MOMS, they all apply to us as well.
So be positive support this class so it goes on to be a success that is attractive to the next club to hold the A4DE, with more time and some Positive feedback it can only get bigger and better.
If you cant ride help your mate ride and be a part of it, if you cant ride and your vintage bike is registered use it to ride around and watch the special tests, were after as many older enduro bikes kicking around as possible.
If you cant ride because your under 45 or your bike is late 80’s early 90’s ride the main event, you’ll get a hell of a lot of respect and probably wont be last. !!
More often than not Life gets in the way.
Be involved this may never happen again.
Be involved so there’s every chance it will happen again.
Deeds Raymond
Current bikes. KTM MC 250 77 Husky CR 360 77, Husky 82 420 Auto Bitsa XR 200 project. Dont need a pickle just need to ride my motorcickle

Offline Ekka

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2017, 04:26:50 pm »
$700 entry fee I was going to have a crack at it but not that sort for money they can stick that fee were it fits

Offline Gday

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2017, 03:55:15 pm »
Nearly full ( 7 spots left of the 50 available) after less than 4 days .

Offline bigk

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2017, 04:57:50 pm »
Vintage class fully subscribed which is awesome to see. Obviously old bikes & blokes are still keen.

Offline roon

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2017, 08:21:45 am »
$700 entry fee I was going to have a crack at it but not that sort for money they can stick that fee were it fits

$608 for 4 days
$152 per day
Looks like pretty good value to me
Spending too much time online and not enough time riding: '76 XR75, '76 Husky CC175, '76 Husky 360 Auto, '83 510TE, '84 510TE, '01 VOR400, '04 VOR450, '00 VOR503, '75 CB400/4, '63 CB72,  '70 Guzzi Ambassador, '94 Guzzi NTX650, 1981 XL500S

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2017, 08:43:52 am »
ill be part of the "B" there when they go out and be there when they come back ::)

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2017, 11:00:37 am »
Vintage class fully subscribed which is awesome to see. Obviously old bikes & blokes are still keen.

That's great, now I can stop procrastinating
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Offline Slakewell

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2017, 07:19:50 pm »
Bugger I was keen as for this but did not get in. Procrastination got the better of me and underestimating the demand for this. I figured the keen as guys guys would drop off around thirty. I had truck rego and bike rego in the last two weeks , plus bike parts and the bank account was hurting witch made me think twice. I hope all those entered enjoy themselves and conditions are perfect. 
Current bikes. KTM MC 250 77 Husky CR 360 77, Husky 82 420 Auto Bitsa XR 200 project. Dont need a pickle just need to ride my motorcickle

Offline Gday

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2017, 08:05:35 pm »
For those who missed out , you can put your name down on the waiting list , just go to the nomination page and click the waiting list tab and enter your details .

Offline Slakewell

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2017, 09:20:48 pm »
More than happy to put my hand up and wait. I still have to pay $700 just to go on the wait list bites me too much. More than happy to pay within 24 hrs of my entry being accepted thou
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 09:24:10 pm by Slakewell »
Current bikes. KTM MC 250 77 Husky CR 360 77, Husky 82 420 Auto Bitsa XR 200 project. Dont need a pickle just need to ride my motorcickle

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2017, 06:52:21 pm »
I wonder what bikes people will ride and if it will be mostly newest allowable mid 80's stuff? Hopefully some 70's bikes get ridden.
Wanted - 1978 TS185 frame or frame&motor. Frame # TS1852-24007 up to TS1852-39022

Offline mboddy

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2017, 07:10:10 am »
I wonder what bikes people will ride and if it will be mostly newest allowable mid 80's stuff? Hopefully some 70's bikes get ridden.

I have entered on my 1979 Yamaha IT175F.
Vinduro Penrite Team
1980 Yamaha IT125G, 1979 Yamaha IT175F, 1984 Yamaha IT200L, 1977 Yamaha IT250D and IT400D

Offline Gday

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2017, 12:24:54 pm »
I will be  on a Husky 82wr250

Offline Colin Jay

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2017, 05:01:23 pm »
I tried to enter earlier in the week, but it was fully subscribed, so I have put my name on the waiting list. If I get a ride, I will ride my 1978 Husky 390 Auto, which I rode in the 79, 80 and 81 4 days. If I don't make the main event I have been in tough with the orgainsers and will just have to content myself with a ride in the Demo Event on the final day.
Why do things the easy way, when with a bit of effort you can really make it difficult for yourself!!

Offline Tex

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Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2017, 11:47:21 pm »
That's great, now I can stop procrastinating

What's even greater is now I can tell everyone I was "gunna" do it but missed the boat!  ;D

Seriously though, it's great to see the vintage class take off like this.
