At a kid, teenager and young adult, I was a mad-keen pushy rider - first BMX/Freestyle, then MTBs. Was actually kinda OK at MTBing, back in the days before it got too serious
(a couple of mates would regularly run in the top 10 in their/our age group at the Nationals, and I could kick their arses - but of course, I never actually got around to competing at the Nationals, so now I'm just a washed-up coulda-been sitting at a keyboard... I have no delusions that even my best-ever-before-I-discovered-beer form would be worth pissing on in the current scene).
Still do the Mont 24hour as a part of a team, but have been taking it less and less seriously each time.
Rally cars took over from the bikes about 10 years ago. Started off crap, and worked my way all the way up to mediocre... Put the money, time, money, time, effort and money into it in 2004 and won the ACT Clubman Championship (think of it as a C-grade championship), plus did OK at the Rally of Canberra.
Since then, I've been working my way backwards down the ladder of seriousness, and enjoying it more and more.
Its an awesome, highly addictive sport, but there's so much crap and its so expensive and so time consuming. Nobody ever stops rallying because they're not enjoying themselves - its always due to a lack of money and/or time....
04: See avatar...
Never got into the main-stream sports (footy, cricket etc). Played weekend soccer for a couple of years as a young kid, and in high school sport, but the first dirt bike came along when I was 8, and so that's what I spent my weekends doing.
I've owned a vintage dirt bike for more than half of my life, but my first race was in 2006...