Thanks Rossco, your cheques in the mail
I heard that a wise old Irishman once said that the cleverest invention of the modern world was the thermos; it could keep warm soup hot or cold drinks cold.
But the most amazing thing about the thermos was that it always knew which foods to keep hot or cold.
I think ice is amazing stuff, it’s great in my Bourbon and Coke but as for using it to remove dents makes me wonder how the ice knows where the dent is.
Don't let ice addiction ruin your
life tank/exhaust.
Use it at your peril
It does make more work for me but it's not the sort of work I like chasing!
Pressurizing tanks can ruin a tank too,
The Elsinore tank on the left has been pressurized, the pressure will spread the wings of the tank while closing up the tunnel making it hard to get over the frame again, it can take a lot of work to get them looking right again