Check this out:

Jim found it, and told me about it, and then did a heap of running around for me to get it.
It cost me $2300, which I think is probably too much*, but I just don't care.
It was basically part of a deceased estate. I didn't know the previous owner (or even his name), but I imagine that at least a few of the longer-term VMXers will know the bike and/or owner.
Most things seem OK so far. Main drama is the rusty forks and leaky shocks, but there are many little bonuses - stuff like the correct throttle and levers, and new tyres. Seems to be very little in the way of bodgy bits or dodgy bolts and stuff.
If the motor checks out OK, it'll temporarily get some 34mm forks and go Crawford River (and the DT175 will stay at home).
Longer term, it'll become a garage queen and probably get ridden sparingly at future Classic Dirts. The irony is that my unpretentious DT125 racer is now a better race bike than any stock-ish YZ.... And I don't see the point in forking out lots of money for a real YZ just to butcher it.
And, while I doubt that anyone else cares, I now own a YZ125A, C, D, E, F, G and MX125A. If I can an AT1MX and a MX125C, then I'll have the full set...
Its the second most expensive bike I've ever purchased. Hell, I bought a newish, registered 2-stroke open class Enduro bike for less - and its in better condition than the YZ!