As a relative newcomer to the VMX scene, I was wondering whether to add a little more flair/awareness to these National title meetings, where the annivaresy number should be included in the title naming?
I know that the 1st PCVMX titles fell over which makes the 2014 Toowoomba meeting the innaugural 1st Aust PCVMX titles & Ravo will be the 2nd, but what about the CVMX titles?
I have no idea what numebr they are up to 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th etc but would be nice to see that in the advertising of the event (via the web, flyers etc) with WA later this year being a good example.
Believe it or not, any event that has a special anniversary (1st, 10th, 20th, 50th etc....) does attract a few more 'maybies' who might give an event a miss if it wanst a special anniversary.
Just my opinion, any thoughts?