Author Topic: VTR Vinduro Club News /information /Updates / How to Enter Rides/Calendar N.S.W  (Read 103065 times)

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Offline VTR Vinduro

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Vintage Trail Riders Inc (VTR) started as an idea around a campsite one night. Dennis Myers, Greg Holmes and Mick Jones, three mates from vintage motocross, wanted to create a way of riding their old bikes that was pure fun. They started thinking about their younger years, out camping, riding their bikes in the bush and yarning around a camp fire.

In 2014 they negotiated the official paper work and VTR was born.

The two nights camp, one and a half day cross country trail ride and socialising around the camp fire caught on and membership grew. So too did venue numbers and Dennis and Greg in particular carried the club with good policy, hard work and great enthusiasm. They found new venues, courted land owners to let the club ride, officiated at rides (MA sanctioned) and organised the building of the tracks. VTR owes it’s existence the work of Dennis and Greg in those early years.
These days the riding continues along the same basic concept of Riding for Fun, with the work load shared out amongst general members. If riding old dirt bikes and getting around a camp fire sounds like your sort of fun you’ve probably found the right place for it….

Our 2025  Vintage Trail Riders Vinduro Dates

March 15-16   Bulahdelah

April 12-13     Marulan

May 17-18  Maules Ck

June 14-15 Putty Rd   (North end)

July 26-27  Mudgee

August 23-24     Venue TBA

Sep 20-21  Marulan - AGM + Xmas Do

Oct 18-19   Rain date/ special event - stay tuned for details


Check out some Action  on the  Club YouTube Channel  VTR  Vinduro



VTR rides .......

Vintage Trail Riders Club seeks to recreate old fashioned bush camping on simple technology bikes from the golden years of trail and enduro

Bikes must comply with the following -
1. Have non upside down forks
2. Have no rear disc brake
3. Must be fitted with a 1960’s-80’s period looking headlight, i.e. round,
square or rectangular, not a modern “Raptor” look. The headlight does not
have to be working
4. The bike must be made pre-1995, i.e. up to and including 1994 models
Exemptions permitted:
* Follow-on models after 1994 will be permitted at the discretion of the committee
provided they comply with the first three rules above and look correct for the period
we are seeking to capture. The intention of this exemption is to include bikes that are
easier to start and ride for older and/or more slightly built members, not the
membership as a whole. Approval must be sought from the committee before
entering such a machine.

* One of the three (3) mechanical requirements 1 to 3 above can be altered on a bike,
provided it is a pre-1995 model. For motocross bikes the only item allowed to be
added or changed will be the item 3, the headlight.

* Hybrids, that is, a different manufacturer’s engine in a different frame will be allowed,
provided both original machines comply with the above four (4) rules.

Your Bike/Bikes Do Not Need to have road rego as its on private property.
Riders must comply with instructions from ride officials at all times and behave courteously and respectively to all other riders on and off the track.

If you are unsure about the bike you'd like to bring please email us to check.

At the ride site
Riders need to bring food, drinking water, fuel, adequate clothing and sleeping equipment.
Pets (dogs cats etc)
Bottled beer
Personal solid fuel fires including cooking fires (gas heaters and cookers are allowed) There will be a communal camp fire if no fire bans or fire risk conditions.
No personal guests unless requested with ride entry.

How to enter a VTR event:

Current Members

You should be registered with RiderNet and enter via there once you get your email notice that entries are open. If you haven't registered on rider net you Need to E-Mail Your Name and Member ship Number

saying you are not registered on ridernet and want to enter the ride.
a manual (via email) entry should be in to VTR more than 7 Day before the event date ..

Non Members

If you would like to come along to one of our weekend events:
Then E-Mail  VTR .
Your Name 
Your Address
Your Town or Suburb
Contact  Phone Number
What bike(s) you want to ride
A Reference  Name of a Club Member Or How you come to hear about VTR will be a Big help ....
Sent this Info to and ask for the information to be sent to your E-mail 
this needs to be completed more then 10 Day before the event date, sooner is better..

Entry Cost        $80.00 (non members $80 first ride, thence $100 for returning non members)

Personal Accident (PA) Insurance   $15.00    Compulsory if you do not have a Motorcycling Australia annual competition or recreational licence

VTR Membership  $40.00 for calendar year   (You can ride your first VTR ride without joining)
Usual schedule:

Friday          Gates Open to riders mid afternoon  Early-bird sign-on 4.00-5.00pm.

Saturday     Late sign-on starts 8 am then when finished there is a short ride meeting then the Loop is open .
                  Loop Close  5.00pm or earlier depending on conditions and numbers of riders out riding the loop ..

Sunday  to 8.30am a short ride meeting .. then the Loop is open .
                 Loop Close 12.00 noon or earlier depending on numbers of riders out riding the loop

You can Camp at venue But you Must fill in and Sign the Camping indemnity form
and Be Aware of the Camping Rule from  M.N.S.W  .
NO Dogs or Pets of any kind ...
Only 1 Camp fire is allowed at Event . But Gas Heater are welcome .
Weather can change  so please be prepared for Hot or Cold and wet weather you will need to bring plenty of drinking water and food for the weekend .
Toilets will be on site in the camping area and Most events a Hot Shower ..
Bring your own toilet paper and personal hygiene supplies.
All Rubbish must go home with you..   No  Glass Beer Bottles Allowed .
Your Camp  area  must  be left clean ..

Please Ask Be for you come if you are unsure on any of the above ... ..
VTR rides are ran under Motorcycling Australia (MA) rules. To ride at this event you need a current MA competition Licence or MA Recreation Licence OR take out the compulsory Personal Accident (PA) insurance. Please ask if you need to see the details of insurance cover provided.
Please Note that Motorcycling Australia License covers you for death or permanent disability and some remote location expenses only. Your health fund must cover all other expenses outside these.
Please Note ambulance cover is NOT provided with PA insurance, a Recreational License or a Competition License. You must be in a health fund that includes ambulance cover or be in a stand-alone ambulance fund.

Your bike Must be safe to ride and the exhaust must have no leaks and be quiet .
You Need the proper riding Gear to ride Eg AS1698 or equivalent Helmet , Motorbike Boots , Long sleeve motorbike shirt , Motorbike  Pants .
You must not have a camera attached to the helmet.

Please Ask Be for you come if you are unsure on any of the above ... ..

 At Rides
You must agree that if required, the officials may arrange medical and/or hospital treatment (including ambulance transportation) for you if injured. You must authorize such actions being taken by the officials and agree to meet all costs associated with such action.
The Club, property owners and those bodies in which the Club is affiliated have no responsibility for any damage, theft of machinery, possessions or any bodily injury sustained during the course of partaking in the club event.
You must authorise that your photo/ Video may be taken and used in Magazines, Social media, You-tube and TV in Reports and promotion of the Club and the Sport.

Please Ask before you come to a VTR event if you are unsure on any of the above ... ..



« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 06:02:33 pm by VTR Vinduro »

Offline VTR Vinduro

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Update ride timetable and related detail

« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 05:51:42 pm by VTR Vinduro »