Face it guys , The environmental concerns have taken hold and wont go away.
we shouldnt do what we can to minimise the impact we are having.
Tree planting is one idea and there are heaps more but it will take money as thats what its all about. who can sway the lobby groups the most to get thier own way.
Sadly we dont have available to us the readies to do this so we lose unless we can think smart. Plant a tree and quiet your bike down and self regulation at a club level will show the authorities we are concerned and we will keep what we have for a little longer .
we have have only ever had one complaint at our club in 25 years, and our track is smack bang in the middle of a major town. that 1 city slicker that moved in behind the track a few years back has since moved on but they closed the track down for 6 months whle we attended to there concerns.
The track is set in over 2 acres of council land, the track is in the centre and now has scrub 40 mtres deep surrounding all sides, i have a property on the lower side of the track about 600 m away and if they are running an event we can hardly hear it, the sound absorbtion of native trees and scrubs is amazing, even trees for life or who ever they are love it cause they keep planting more trees and doing all the weeding in there. It has animals and all sort living in the native trees and bushes everyone is happy.
The track also runs ride days so the community /un licenced riders can come and try, on these days and race day we have a demonstration class of Pee wees, last round we had over 13 kids under 9 riding there pee wees and waving to the crowd, the community comes out in force to watch these kids ride around, mums , dads , grand parents, most people comment on how good it is to see these kids riding in the fresh air , and how it reminds them of the old days, we now have a very strong commitment from the council, community and the local paper who back us right up and have endorsed the clubs efforts and even promoted events asking for more to be scheduled. BY having the support of the locals, and by utilsing a natural barrier around the track we dont seem to have a niose problem. Which is why we dont need someone to regulate it for us, or dictate how we run our events.
our race/ride days are always on sundays ? go figure and they let us run before 10 am, but being good citizens the first class of the day is always the Demo PW's to ease the noise levels up, then 85, then 125 etc etc, the last ride of the day is alway the PW final demo as well so we can fit all the louder classes in during they day, and then the kids can bang around till it gets dark if they like as you cant even hear the pws, running.
What im trying to say here is simple, Noisey bikes should be controlled and managed at a club level, its up to your club to control its riders, but its not up to you to inforce your poor standards on other clubs thereby limiting and controlling there chioces just because your act isnt together, we dont need a rule enforced just because your club cant mange its track. I dont want to be forced to make changes to my bikes and my lifstyle chioces because of other piss poor efforts. IF i choose to ride at your evet or your clubs track i expect to meet those supp. regs and when you get a permit from MA for your event they can enforce a DB limit on your track right there.
It does not need to be shoved down the throat of everyone, just becuase its easyier to stick it to everyone.