Sidecar Classes .. A lovely can of worms.. Your input welcome
1st up Pre 75 Engines to be as could be modified in 1975 technology. IE not stroked ,mega bore 754s, Z900s and XS650s , You bring a biggy you are totally responsible to prove it was used in Pre1975 era, or compete in later era class. No rear disks, unless indisputable proof supplied also. AND total observance of the 7inch 4 inch rules with no remote or attached piggy back canister shocker units .
2nd Pre68 really no need to explain is there, oldies but goldies, one small matter of flow on models and engines like W1 and W2sa/sb Kwakas 650s, B441 BSA ,650 BSA Triumphs, Nortons etc that DO NOT Change post 68 may be OK of course there will be very few if any factory /specialist maker frames here too.
IMPORTANT Correction here on my initial posting. The following class is not for Title events a club or maybe interclub class only. Tim ( Sorry it is my birthday and I was a little pis*** distracted.
3RD Here is the problem child. Most say Pre85 but that a little hard, I and some others with far better knowledge than myself agree on, up to when the FIM banned big bore Two and Fours strokes to outlaw the Folan 1000ccs etc. Was about mid 86* (Will supply date or maybe someone else could ?) This was the very effective and very sad death of the Thundering beasts. Sorry no 500cc Japanese or European two stroke singles (CR500, KX500) (Hmmm what about Maico 501 and some KTMs ). or very long travel suspension ( Era Air bag types OK). Ineligible Pre75 machines may compete here.
*750cc capacity Rule came in effect January 1988 , revoked 1999. Thank you YSS for info.
Make no mistake I believe all else past pre75 eras are EVO or MODERNS and not in the VMX mix at all ever. no pre90 no pre95 pre2000 nothing.
One last thing in Pre75 would be good to see the old Junior Class(up to 650cc) and Senior (Open capacity) Classes Maybe ?
Cheers Tim754