ha spokes!!,1st time out for my stilletto at nepean,going over pre race prep (nite b4
)broken spoke,no wukkers tighten the rest ,take it out,(leaving the nipple on rim),no biggie one missing spoke thinks i,scrutineer next day park it son you have a missing spoke
??,(fugging 8 guage,built like a brick shizenhousen,really early ossa rear ),hmm i'll just ride the XL
,scrutineering Coff's Classic,poxy TS/TM125, titearse me relaces wider/smaller alloys with the "ome" rustyish spokes ,scrutineerer runs the screwdriver over them,he's impressed,i come back with the XL later to overhear him telling a guy in the que (with dodgy loose spokes)his experience with my suzy,"yep rusty as all fugg,but correctly tensioned & laced ",win some ,lose some,