Im sorry i dont buy into the old this thread is why people leave the forum perspective .
If that is the case then that says more about those that leave than those who post .
I dont ever deliberatley watch TV news , if i read a news paper i flick past the sensationalised headlines and seek the items of news that are of interest to me . I dont not pick up a newspaper because some of its content i dont like .
I never ever pick up a bible as i have no interest in its content , but i read many other books that interest me .
If i am out socialising and i find myself in a group of people discussing somthing i dont want to hear i excuse myself or avoid that particular group while they discuss that topic . I dont avoid those people for ever and will engage in conversation with one or more of them when they are discussing a topic i want to hear or engage in .
I can drive past a road accident without having to rubberneck
I can hear a loud bang in the street and ignore it
I ignore car alarms
There are many many other topics on this forum and if theres not enough or the contents not upto your std then start one that is .
Bottom line if you dont like it dont open it
Seems simple to me
i dont think i have ever been into the trials page on here as i have no interest in it .
It seems that to some its like a car crash they dont like what they see but they have to keep going back for a look and then make their own petty judgements of the
drivers posters