Anyone that was around Central Victoria in the late 70's would have known about the Christian Brothers from Stawell. Mark and Peter. Both very fast on VB, VE Montesa's.
Well, their old man was a guy called Siddy Christian who was the type of supportive dad that most of us craved in our racing careers. The bikes where spot on, the boys wore the same gear as each other and they probably had one of the trickest bike trailers around at the time. All very proffessonal and they were a force in their day.
I don't know that much about Siddy but I'm told he came from the "scrammbling" days and was one of those old crusty blokes who'd be seen on the start line, warming 'er up with a durrie hanging out the mouth.
Anyway poor old Siddy passed away yesterday and we've one less of the characters (Along with Lyall O'Brien) who've made our sport the best thing around......