Author Topic: The Welsh 2 day  (Read 1352 times)

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Offline HVA61

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The Welsh 2 day
« on: June 28, 2014, 06:18:51 pm »
Report from the Guy's

Sounds like they had a top time and put in fine efforts.

My great mate ,Steve Baker sent the following and asked to me to edit and post it , but it's great as received

G,day Rob
Well after a fantastic performance on the 1st day the second day started off bad and just got worse for all of us
Mike started well in the morning picking up the pace and feeling more comfortable the second day with the long ruts and slippery surface but after a long very straight and flat out fast fire road

Mike went back into the single bike tracks and this is where he used one of his nine lives  the front axle broke and his wheel fell out! When I caught up to him he had managed to push what was left of the axle back through and walk the bike out.
Kristen houred out after a great performance on day one getting used to a bike with a real flat spot in the mid range it took him a while to master. We were all laughing about how good the conditions where and commenting that the Welsh was like the film the good the bad and the Ugly he had only experienced the good and the bad and would have to come backed to experience the ugly well after the rain on Thursday night he got to experience the ugly! Kristin has just woken up and told me it hurt to sleep! Doesn't seem keen to come back.
My tales of woe started when I got to the final check on day one waiting for my minute I went to start the bike and the kick start stuck down. So pushed through the check and we then had 20 mins to work on the bike done an air filter and oiled the chain then pulled the gear lever off to get at the kick starter to discover it was lose and had slipped around the spine no worries pulled it off and reset tightened it up and got to the parc Fermi in time. Cold start in the morning was ok with the bike starting second kick set off on the trails and catching the the 3 who where leading in about 30 minutes as I am riding there is a fallen rider who is stuck under his bike so I stop Lie my bike over and go and give him a hand to get him out go back to my bike give it one kick and sure enough the kick start slides round the spine this time I know I'm budgeted as the kick starter was tight on the spine, the guy who I have just helped then tells me he DNFed yesterday and was not even in the race. Smoke was coming out of my ears! Now I had to try and bump start the bike on a greasy single bike track got it going but had the kick starter pushing my leg out so was very uncomfortable trying to get back in the groove arrived at the first special test but could not go hard as because if I stall it would be next to impossible to start it again.
This test was a fuel stop as well so pulled the kick start off and sent some one to find a coke can made a sleave and put the kick starter back on and lost 9 minutes. Off I set staying on time for the next check Then I came across Mike walking his bike out after his broken axle disaster when another 200 m past him and fell over stalling the bike no problem! Kick started the bike and same thing kick starter goes round the spine no chance of starting the bike where I was so Mike and I where both pushing our bikes out of the trail onto the gravel road 8 mins later bikes on its side and I am pulling the kick stat off as it was no use to me. I get going but have lost another 20 mins sorting this out. Having to ride the bike knowing you can not let it stop changed the way I had to ride which meant I lost all my momentum I then became a wobbler. Got to the second special test and went straight in got to the lowest part of the track and run out of petrol get towed out back to the start to top up the tank go back in to finish but told I am out for receiving out side assistance. Well may as well push on Buy this time I have fallen back into the  modern expert class so am trying not to get in there way as I am now out of the race. Then just when I'm traveling along ok then I arrive at the bog of hell when you see experts are stuck you know you are going to have problems game plan get off and walk the bike through get through first bit able to ride the next bit and out I then stall the bike Marshall comes over and tells me there is another 2 miles only way to start the bike is to turn it round PUSH it through the bog of hell into the only field in Wales that it is on he side of a hill but flat! felt like I pushed it a mile before could find a slope. Got the bike started then had to turn round and ride back through the BOG OF HELL for 3 miles. I then arrived at a hill that had rocks covered in lose  wet rock that had it not been going up looked like it was the road taking straight back to hell with no 200 dollars for pasting go! Pushing on I then run out of petrol again and just by luck who should come along but Kristin quickly get some fuel off him and as we are both out decide to ride together fill up at the next at the next fuel stop  and then make our way to the last special test get there to be told we will have to wait until the championship class had gone through we decide to miss it and go back to the finish and have a beer!.

Rob can you proof read and edit or add to as you see fit Steve

« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 07:03:01 pm by HVA61 »
Autos are the way forward , see you round like a robot
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Re: The Welsh 2 day
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 11:26:36 pm »
Epic ride or what.... :o

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Re: The Welsh 2 day
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 10:53:17 pm »
Is that Baker a whinger or what ;D

Looks like he was 3rd in class after day one

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