Author Topic: Stupid things that happen in life  (Read 3563 times)

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Offline DJRacing

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Stupid things that happen in life
« on: June 23, 2008, 08:35:35 pm »
A few years back (over twenty years ago) I had been out fund raising for my rugby club, we were picking up hay and loading it in to haybarns. We would do this as a team and at the end of the night we had a couple of beers as ya do. In these days I was reasonibly fit and would push bike to events like this.
Well as the story goes, I was push biking home and it was about 11 o'clock at night and I didnt have a light on my bike, so I was keeping a close lookout for cars coming up from behind. I was on a striaght piece of road at the time of my little mishap. The road was downhill and in the distance I saw a caravan parked against the curb, but as I had just looked over my shoulder and had seen carlights coming my way I thought if I speed up I will get past the caravan before the car gets to me. I turned to look for the car again but I didnt see the lights (the car had obviously turned off a side road). As I turned back around to see where I was going I hadnt realised the speed I was going and there right in front of me was the back of the caravan.
I hit it dead centre and pushed it 2 metres down the road and put a fair sized dent where the front wheel made contact. As you can well imagine I didnt stop as quick as the bike did and was catapulted over the handlebars and threw the back window of the caravan. As I was hanging half in and half out of the caravan I realised I was being held there by a nice big piece of glass through my cheek (I was very lucky not to have lost an eye or cut my throat). Deciding that my predictiment wasnt to shit hot I pulled my face away from the glass that had me hung up and you wouldnt believe it but as I fell back out of the caravan's rear window my bike was still upright and underneath me. To add insult to injury I fell back down on the top bar of the bike and did my balls no favours. Now I was in real pain and rolling over on to the footpath and just laying there for awhile as the pain slowly eased to a dull throb.
I finnally got up and gingerly walked up the steps to the house and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door and saw the state I was in (hunched over and bleeding) and as I explained to her that I had just hit her parked caravan she offered to take me to the hospital and her car. As the hospital was only about 800 metres away I said I didnt want to get blood all through her car. Of cause she wouldnt accept this and wouldnt take no for an answer so she got the keys to her Morris 1100 and opened the door for me and she got in to start the car. Yep, you guessed it, the car wouldnt start and she asked me if I would give her a push to jump start it. Her driveway was luckily downhill to the road and I thought OK, what the hell, four steps pushing the car and it will be rolling down the driveway on its own. So out I get and start pushing this piece of crap Morris 1100 down the drive. I should have known better than to trust a woman to crash start a car, by the time she got it in gear and put the key on she was already at the bottom of the drive and half out on to the road with all momentum gone. I couldnt leave her there so I had to push the car down the road and yes she finnally tried crash starting this brit classic but to no avail. After the third time I graciously thanked her and said 'it's ok I can walk from here'. By now I was 300 metres closer to the hospital and with all the hard excerise I was getting from pushing the car the blood was now pissing out. My stomach and groin still hadn't gotten over the visit from my nuts so I was still walking funny, but I was on my way.
As I walked to the hospital I thought of the joke about Paddy the Irishman whos' paracute didnt open and by the time he figured out how to use the reserve shute he was 10 metres from the ground and thought 'its ok, I can jump from here'.
Eight internal and fourteen external stitches latter and all was well, but my story of the nights events was a good laugh for the hospital staff.

I've had a few good laughs over that night I run into the backend of a caravan.
If at first you dont succeed, give up and drink beer


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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 09:54:43 pm »
much damage to the pushy DJ?  :P great story mate, glad it was you and not me! reminds me of a story..picture this..1974, a couple of young kids on a suzuki minibike at Nudgee were carrying a couple of sheets of rusty corrogated iron on their heads at a fair pace when a sudden gust of wind upset the apple cart  :o the condensed version reads..crash..blood everywhere, rush home, some serious needlework and a couple of tetanus shots!! Just as well we have quite a few litres of the red stuff :D seriously, it got me on the shoulder and I was so lucky it was not an inch or 2 over on the neck or I'd have been well and truly in the land of the dearly departed  :-\ we would have been fine but some bloody idiot let go of the bars to grab the tin..oops! did I say me!  :-X
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 10:03:17 pm by Doc »

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 10:15:33 pm »
Although it doesn't compare to DJR's story...

My dad is a short arse. He built his shed for his own short arse.

Working in his shed one day, I was squatting down, cleaning a carby or something.
Then I stood up with a little too much enthusiasm, and cracked my head on one of the roof beams.
BLAMMMM! I fall onto my knees and suddenly have a massive headache.
And blood pouring down my face.
My step-mother carted me off to the doctor. It took a lot longer to convince the doctor what had happened than it did to get the four stitches in my head...

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline Wombat

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 10:17:10 pm »
Jeez I laughed DJ! 'it's ok I can walk from here' is where I really cracked up. It reads like a 'Some Mothers do 'ave em' sketch! :D ;D :D
"Whadaya mean it's too loud?! It's a f*ckin' race bike!! That pipe makes it go louder - and look faster!!"


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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 10:43:25 pm »
I had a moment on a pushie as well. Certainly not as monumental as yours DJ. I was riding my bike to work and decided it would be fun to watch the white line on the side of the road between my feet as i was pedalling....without looking up  ::) Next thing i hit something. Crash bang,but i managed to stay on some how. I looked behind me to see a rather large dead dog on the road, and i ran over it!
BTW DJ, i thought you were telling a joke at the start, not a true story!

Offline DJRacing

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 05:27:58 pm »
Doc the bike was my sisters ten speed, and I wrote it off. I must have hit square on because the front wheel wasnt buckled but the forks had bent back, the down tube was banana shaped, the steering was now striaght up and down and the top tube looked like the 'gateway bridge' apart from a dent where fella's hit :o . I remember at the time thinking how the hell can I explain this one and have it not cost me to much shouting the beers for being the guy on a push bike who ran into the backend of a parked caravan, and then having to push the car to the hospital  ;D . Even that night while pushing the car I was trying hard not to laugh at the predictiment because the lady looked so worried.

I still sport the scar on my cheek
If at first you dont succeed, give up and drink beer

Offline VMX247

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2011, 11:29:25 am »
As the 2011 season comes to an end for some..
I went searching for an "Injury" thread,as Steven is heading into get his ACL in his knee done on the 17th.
I came across this tale within the search.  :'(  ouch  :'(
cheers A
Best is in the West !!

Offline Mike52

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2011, 12:29:44 pm »
I'me one of those guys who has done that [ don't know why and am not trying to upstage anyone but I have].
When I was younger I had a track racer , fixed wheel/ strap in pedals and really high gearing.
So imagine my joy when the front brake lever came loose going down a big hill flat out.
I watched it swing into the wheel behind the forks and then I watched the road come up to hit me right in the head.
When I woke up and unstrapped myself from the bike I discovered I had only 8 spokes left in the front wheel and a bit of a head throb.
Carried the thing all the way home.
To this day I can't figure out why I didn't die .
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .

Offline jackiemac

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2011, 10:09:34 am »
;D :D ;D :D  :D ;D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D
now thats a funny story! thanks for sharing it with us and letting us have a laugh at your expense DJ

Keep Smiling :)
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Offline ksithumper

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2011, 10:25:31 am »
When I was a kid, all racing pushbikes had quick release 'butterfly' wheelnuts that you could do up or undo without a spanner (why??)

On a fast downhil stretch my mate Tim was slipstreaming me, then pulled out and crept alongside, then caught his front wheel spokes in my rear butterfly wheelnut.

Then he did a superman over my shoulder,then he hit the tarmac face first.

Then I had to explain to his mum about all the blood and the handful of teeth in his pocket....

Offline asasin

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2011, 10:32:32 am »
I have a scar on my leg from my "first" zooming home on the pushie . all excited from comming ... of age missed a culvet and over the bars the bike then proceeded to impail itself into my upper leg .!!! lots of blood and a few stiches later i have a perminent remider of the day.
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Offline Rossvickicampbell

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2011, 12:11:43 pm »
all of this is more reason why YOU SHOULDN'T RIDE PUSHBIKES!!!!!
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Offline Mike52

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2011, 02:18:46 pm »
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .

Offline pancho

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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2011, 04:23:23 pm »
 I agree, stupid things can happen and it seems an inordinate number of these involve pushies. Two incidents immediatly come to mind, the first concerns little 11 year old me pushing up Sackville St hill Fairfield as fast as I could, just getting up off the seat for extra effort, when this mongrel kid about my age that hadn't even heard the term hyperactive { he met an early demise illegally entering a pump shed and pulling 240 volt wires around with his bare hands, but that's another story}, anyhow he threw this stick which was timed perfectly to sit between the spokes, follow up to the forks, and bring the wheel to an instant stop!
   My chest hit the ground with sufficient force to expell every last cc of air out of my lungs.
 Trying to get my breath back is a strong memory.
   Incident #2  for the record was down at Fairfield on 'the other side of the line' there was a storm water canal cut through the park no concrete just cut through the dirt, a bunch of us on our pushies would hurtle down to the bottom and up the other side at an angle and see who could jump the furthest.
 One kid had his first go, did a good take off but as soon as the front wheel hit the ground the forks broke of at the stem. He did this amazing face plant [as you would], staggered to his feet and looked at me and said "do you think me mother would know" No such thing as BMX bikes those days.
 cheers pancho.
dont follow me i'm probably off line!


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Re: Stupid things that happen in life
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2011, 05:34:44 pm »
all of this is more reason why YOU SHOULDN'T RIDE PUSHBIKES!!!!!

Yeah I was training on my road bike and some council worker or other party left the storm water grate flicked open, as my front wheel went down it, it occured to me that having shoes that clip to the pedals may not be doing me any favors, so did a sort of 30km/hr vertical U turn.  :o