Well, when I say 'cooked' its a long story, but when I rode it last week, it was starting to sound very rattly & died under load. So when I pulled the plug out later at home, it was black & very oily, so I then took of the head to check out the piston.
That was OK except for large amount of crusty carbon built up in about the 8 o'clock postion - strange. Ran the piston up & down a few times & it sounded like it was full of dirt. Not good, so of came the barrel & sure enough the ring seat in that postion & surrounding area on the positon was ugly as
So I figure that if I had taken it for another run it was about to do something horrible, hence I reckon its 'cooked' as in ready for the bin. It is an old single ring Wiseco that came with the bike so figure it was due anyway & just happy it happened now & not late April in Qld