Author Topic: Work overseas / thread closed  (Read 9772 times)

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Offline Mike52

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Re: Work overseas / thread closed
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2014, 09:04:09 am »
Been doing some Adventure riding lately and follow little tracks on my GPS using the latest Topo maps.
Have been finding a few what used to be State Forestry's but are now  National Parks.
[ Still named Forestry's on the map but National Parks on the signs.]
Can't help but notice that they have no access roads. [ Roads are now private with no access !]
Yes I have been naughty but nobody has noticed yet.
Did I pay for these and am I paying for the upkeep through my taxes ?
If so then why can't I get to have a look at them?
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Work overseas / thread closed
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2014, 11:16:43 am »
National Parks are woefully underfunded. Turning bushland into National Parks has been an easy way to get the green voters onside - Bob Carr was a huge fan of this tactic - but of course, governments being governments, they only do enough to win the votes, and don't fund the maintenance.
The Jerawangla forest on the NSW south coast is a good one - they made the bits near the road a NP, so there are signs saying "National Park" all along the highway, but a couple of km into the bush its all still Forestry land... Better still, the roads all still belong to Forestry, so the road maintenance costs come out of Forestry's budget.

When Forestry land is turned into a NP, they don't need the access to get logging trucks in, so it does actually make sense to cut down the number of roads within a NP - especially when they don't have the budget to maintain those roads...
Of course, it then creates dramas when there's a fire, but we hardly get any of those, right?!...  ::) ...  >:(x100.

Sorry for the rant. It's something I find incredibly furstrating.

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Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Work overseas / thread closed
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2014, 08:24:10 pm »
Seriously Nathan, are you a politician or a politician wanna be? Man, you choose to ignore so many crucial elements of how our governments bend us over as often and as regularly as they do.
For starters, the taxes paid by those that were here before us (lets just go back to our grandparents) paid for a majority of our now infrastructure. Electricity, roads, gas, sewerage etc. Now, we, the tax payer, have to continue paying to maintain these essentials even though the prior money collected by government to keep OUR (before the arseholes sold everything to privatisation) assets in good repair was pretty much pissed down the drain and or went to government lurks and perks. It still does. And once they realised the money they collected from taxes wasn't enough to maintain the infrastructure AND keep their lavish pay rates intact, taxes went up. And keep going up.
Abbott and co want most Aussie workers to forgo their entitlements and penalty rates while they (politicians) still get 15% pay increases ABOVE GDP every year and receive the most generous pensions in the economic world. And lets not forget how little time they actually spend at work.....I haven't done an in depth analysis on how much each and every politician costs this nation, but I reckon that 15% every year, divide by the lot of them, would alone go a long  way to fixing our dilapidated infrastructure. Successive governments have let prior great infrastructure fall into disrepair. Our railways are a joke. Electricity, a joke. Roads, we all know how bad they are. Now they are letting most our major manufactures go by the wayside. Answer, lets buy BMW"s for the government fleet but ask every body else to work smarter and reduce costs! And lets not forget how many millions get spent every other election on re-modelling parliament and government house while the homeless and disabled struggle to find somewhere to eat, let alone sleep.
There are coal and gas mines in most NSW national parks, this is why they don't maintain access tracks. More access means more scrutiny.... I know, I've ridden into most of them and been chased out of ALL of them on my dirt squirts. And to think I was responsible for ruining the environment  >:( Dirt bike riders are the heathen of society when they ride around or over gates and HUGE earth or concrete mounds in the middle of the scrub! Don't worry about the bulldozers and trucks it took to construct the obstacles in the first place  >:(
I'd love to know how locked gates help when attempting to fight fires. Some of the gates I've come across on bush tracks in the middle of National Parks must of cost 10's of thousands to put up. And at the end of the day, they are only there to stop people from entering mine land. Firefighters are not allowed to go past them unless someone from the mine comes to unlock them. Even if it means they have to turn around (if they can) and drive back through the hell hole they just came through.
How the fluck does it make sense to cut down the number of roads through any natural landscape? There will never an abundance of roads running everywhere. But having the ability to chose different paths to either fight or run from fire or flood is the right of everybody.
Seriously my friend, you need to stop reading and believing what you read in news papers and stop believing what comes out of politicians mouths.....the proof is in the pudding and our pudding is well and truly overdone.
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Offline Nathan S

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Re: Work overseas / thread closed
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2014, 08:59:29 am »
I'm not making excuses for the crap, just explaining how these things end up - even the dumbest shit happens for a reason that seems valid at the time.

Even when we bang out heads against the wall at the sheer idiocy of decisions/situations, they are usually the best compromise available at the time... Usually they're an awkward balancing act.
And fixing them is VERY rarely as simple as a three word slogan.

Two sayings, both equally valid:
"Every complex problem has a solution that is neat, simple and wrong".
"Compromise is that art of ensuring that nobody gets what they want".

The world is a complex, difficult place. If we think it can be fixed with Three Word Slogans, we will continue to be f$&ked over by our elected representatives.
The only way to make it better is for us punters to make a real effort to understand why things have happened, and to understand that we won't always get our own way.
That's never going to happen: we all flock to the politicians who promise the world, without any consideration to their ability to deliver.
We got duped in 2007, but despite many more, more obvious warning signs, we repeated the mistake in 2013... It seems that we don't really want a competent leader: we are only interested in being told that mummy will make it all better for poor little voter-diddums.

There's no point in blaming the politicians we voted for: the solution lies with us. We need to educate ourselves about topics (and I mean actually educate ourselves, NOT just depending on the maknstream media) and stop expecting every decision to suit our personal whims.
Until then, we will continue to get the "leaders" we deserve.

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Work overseas / thread closed
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2014, 10:20:38 am »

That's never going to happen: we all flock to the politicians who promise the world, without any consideration to their ability to deliver.
We got duped in 2007, but despite many more, more obvious warning signs, we repeated the mistake in 2013... It seems that we don't really want a competent leader: we are only interested in being told that mummy will make it all better for poor little voter-diddums.

There's no point in blaming the politicians we voted for: the solution lies with us. We need to educate ourselves about topics (and I mean actually educate ourselves, NOT just depending on the maknstream media) and stop expecting every decision to suit our personal whims.
Until then, we will continue to get the "leaders" we deserve.

I hear you load and clear there Nathan...Unfortunately, the majority of households believe what they read ,hear and watch as being gospel.
Arrogance.....A way of life for the those that having nothing further to learn.