Unfortunately we have too many NON PRODUCERS employed by governments these days.
You only have to look at the layers of red tape involved in acheiving a result in anything.
We have too many academics creating jobs for other academics.
It costs nearly as much for a "feasability study" as it does to complete the project, and lets not forget the all important environmental study.
I remember a time when an engineer would design a bridge, an accountant would cost the project and a team of 100 would build it. These days the number of shiny bums involed in the process outnumbers the blokes that actually build it.
No wonder nothing gets done.
That inefficiency is the price we pay for demanding efficiency and accountability...
Look at the post-GFC stimulus: it was specifically stated that the main purpose was to get cash out there, without getting bogged down in the details of trying to wrangle the best possible deal - six years later, we're still bitching about "the waste"...
Similarly, all of that "red tape" and "green tape" that we love to hate, was created for a reason. Maybe those reasons are outdated, or were crap in the first place - but simply dismissing it as "red (or green) tape" without considering those reasons is begging for the fork-up fairy to come and screw you somewhere very uncomfortable.
Back on topic... I'm happy paying tax. In fact, I'd be happy to pay more.
I look around internationally, and there's a pretty solid correlation between tax paid and lifespan/crime rate/infant mortality/quality of life/etc.
And I'm not silly enough to think that those roads, schools, police service, hospitals, fire statation and all of the other things that are crucial to a functioning society, all just appeared magically without the input of our tax dollars...