Get over men,
you guys know Zane better than me, shit i only spoke to him on the phone for maybe 10 mins about his Husky resto some time back, struck me as a nice sort of helpful type, a few called for the facts, some jumped the gun a little, a LITTLE in view of what is generally just human behaviour, it shows we all care about our little world, thats a good trait in my view, it would be a LOT different if Zane was named as a less than savoury type (he WAS NOT) in the first instance and now it turns out is just a mis-understanding. Lots of sales between "mates" are just verbal, no one seems to feel as though they can question the detail, or ask for detailed descriptions from their "mates", its just life, we SHOULD all still stay passionate about our vmx world, we should get fired up about reported mis-dealings between mates, BUT, we should all make sure we make a judgement only on the FACTS however long they are in coming I dare say that if Zane was named in the first instance most would NOT have believed it.
Zane, i'd reckon you reputation is still in tact mate, again, big balls to speak up and name your self as the ALLEGED guilty party, and that before the thing is sorted, well done.
Now, can we all go back about our Christmas business?