Now friends have you ever ridden a Cyclone!!!!!! It is a umm....different experience....

Please do not confuse your knowledge of the fun TM100 or very satisfying 125 and 250 , with the Terrifying Monster 400
Ok some tips on Cyclone riding
1 Do not ever start and attempt to ride in a backyard or carpark or minor/major airport.
2 The hand position on the twist grip may, but mostly may not, be relevant to the amount and speed of forward motion.
3 You have a brain as you just love to collect VMXers!, TM400s have one too, it is just warped.
4 TM 400s handle well , have fine brakes , good suspension with little seizing problems and spot on electrics , and are very forgiving and docile mounts. Some of the previous statement is bullshit. You chose which.

I owned it!!!........Tim754