Freaky if you wish to part her out then yes, I'd be interested in the cover, maybe even the clutch cover as well. The story is,
I've got my grubby little mitts on another RL250
problem is she's a roughy (no surprises there
The bike was painted up yellow and white to look like a TY for some inexplicable reason, it appears during the 'fix up' the motor, triples, fork lowers and wheels complete were sandblasted with extra coarse sand and the rusty frame painted in silver hammercoat over the rust and all!! Needless to say the bike came from the Gold Coast and the spokes have rusted badly..really the bright flaking orange rust you'd use to make Thermite if you were that way inclined (might be just what I need to remove some rust
Anyway the wheels look damn awful, the hammercoated frame is a real prick without sandblasting due to that which is under the paint has to come off too. The white and yellow appear to be of the same super hard paint
I spent quite a while at it last night though I do now have one side of the tank back to polished alloy and looking Suzuki Central acceptable.
Finally the motor, it runs superb but it looks hideous! The sandblasting and saltwater really have made quite a non slip surface pitted surface which is great if you like to walk around holding your engine in a non slip environment but even if painted black it's going to be hard to cover this pitted ugliness.
It'll probably take a few weeks before she's a rider. Good news is, apart from cosmetics I'll only really need to replace the plastic lever assy's, bars, cables and fit my preferred TS/ER shocks to replace the corroded stockers. The seat will need a recover also. There's not a lot more to trials bikes thankfully
here she is as purchased last week..
and if ya think she's a little rough it's actually a little 'better' than how the other RL was when found..
with a little time and not a lot of coin they come up nice and ride just great. A true wheelie machine and an absolute ball to ride weighing all of 90kgs..makes a nice change to riding flat out