In respect to all views and opinions I'll also have my own, the bottom line is whether you're a "keyboard warrior" a "cyber racer" a vmx champion, a vinduro only man or maybe even a once a year CD or HBBB kinda cost NOTHING to be positive about your passion and hobby, you need pretty much NO skills or remarkable health to speak to people and educate them about a sport/hobby/passtime. You may participate in a practical sense, or you may not, it really doesn't matter!! The only thing that's important and conducive to the perpetuation of what we love is to be positive and upbeat about it, even being "just realistic" can sometimes in itself be non productive, talk it up and spread the word.
I think Shoey's assessment is quite accurate, and I also think Nathan has a lot of merit in his take on things..There is room in vmx/vinduro for 10k+ exotica and there is room for $1500 (safe) enjoyable bikes, and the respective owners of each!!
For me it comes down to the same thing time and time again, the man riding the cheapest bike and coming last often shares the same smile as the man riding the "bling machine" hosing down the rest of the field......what other sport can you find this kind of comradirie between opponents...........?
Just enjoy your chosen passtime and do your best to bring new people along to enjoy it also, while we're all still lucky enough to be able to stand upright and ride in a straight line...