I meant X3 Mick, my fingers got in the way . I was just thinking aloud, my Metisse will be a more satisfying project for me. I'm too old for all that cutting and welding anyway.
That makes more sense.
And I doubt you are too old to use your prime skill, the one you were actually educated and trained for.
If you can still fabricate and weld as well as you can write(talk), you would be laughing.
You could then trim a dime-a-dozen center-port squarie cylinder to finish your Metise as a political correct replica as Marcus has shown.
Then using your rare 1964 360 alloy oval top end where is was actually manufactured to be used for, just thinking out loud.
I might yet be having a spare 1964 X3 twin-cradle frame soon anyhow. If I do? you will have first refusal, my word.