I hadn't seen the ignition but [not meaning to sound critical--more concerned for your 'leg'] in my opinion you need a 'heavy flywheel'. Need one as heavy [or heavier than original] to somehow hang off the rotor but if there's no room then fix the original or get a flywheel & stator of say a DT400--seriously. Said it before somewhere when in the 60's light flywheels, high com, & alcohol fuel was a must--to the point that [my bike] was bloody un-rideable [even if it was a B33 & i was a weed], went back to standard flywheels & went faster [more slowly--ummm, something like that] Hope the SC all goes well in the end. Remember putting lights on the bosses one to sell it as a trail bike--pretty crazy trail bike it was--as just sat in the corner not selling when the next model came out.