Are you running the standard spring?
I have an yamaha monocross set up on my bike and have spent years and $$$$$ trying to get it right, even a high dollar white power shock didn't work.
Before running out and spending lots of money on shock components I suggest you get the spring rate right first ie the right spring to carry your 100plus kg frame.
Here is a simple test to see what you have, if it's standard then right away it will be way to soft.
Part 1
Put your bike on a center stand so both wheels are off the ground then measure from the center of your axle to your seat bolt on the frame, record this measurement.
Then get your gear on and hop on your bike (sorry forgot to mention you will need two or three people for this) sit or stand in your natural riding position,bounce up and down a few times then let the bike settle. and again get someone to measure from the axle to the seat bolt. (While your still on the bike)
Then deduct this measurement from the first measurement, it should be between 95 and 105 mm roughly. This will depend on weather you have had 1 lamington or 10, before starting.
If it is less than 95 mm then you need to reduce the spring preload, which is done by loosening the large nut at the top of the spring on the treaded section of the shock body, two threads equate to about 5mm of spring preload. If it's more than 105mm then increase the preload, by tightening the nut.
Once you get to the magic figure with then your RACE sag is set. Part one completed.
Part two.
Put your bike back on the center stand with both wheels off the ground, again get the measurement between the axle and the seat bolt, then take the bike off the stand, bounce the rear end a bit and then let it settle, again take the measurement, and deduct it from the first measurement, it should be between 15 and 20mm, either side of that your spring is either too soft or too hard. This is called you STATIC sag.
If it is less than 15mm then your spring is too SOFT, if it is more than 20mm then you spring is too HARD.
No that's not a missprint and I will explain it all in my next installment of " 7564 steps to monoshock enlightenment"
And if you change the shock spring always get fork springs to match ther is only one thing worse than badly sprung but balanced bike and that is a badly sprung UNbalanced bike.
I will be here till 5pm weekdays and 12noon on staurday.