For the NZ trip we are looking at buying a second hand container and setting it out to fit everything into it.
That way we can load it up ourselves and we only have to pay for the freight and a truck at the other end.
Is that what you guys did? I know it's a long way from Perth so I guess the fuel is the main cost.
We think Perth based pre75 club usually hire/borrows the seacontainer.
Its also very handy to have members that are owner driver with a good size truck taking 18 odd solos.
If the city based club was to purchase a container, then they have the issues of finding suitable storage place for it.
Remembering rightly the Conondale Nats Qld 2010 took 28 solo at a total of around 9k.Dont know if that included on off loading and everything between.
We are very thankfull to those who borrowed outfits that year.
NZ is closer to you than we are
Are you bolting straight to floor side by side and putting in a upper level ??
Cheers us2