Sorry Firko
, only thought of it recently
I change my desk top photo from time to time and currently its the Hallman bike (Terry Good provides such great shots on his site
). Gradually the idea occurred.
I was only recently rooting through my brothers shed, one of my stashes, checking a few things including the DT2 (I thought it was a RT2 - silver tank). I was specifically looking at the barrel, noticed the reed and the capacity. The image must have been on my subliminal because when I next looked at the desk top the thought process started slowly cranking over.
By mentioning it I've 'staked the claim' but also over committed myself. I've already got a shit load in front of me including house reno's, but I estimate it should be pretty easy
My biggest challenge is to either find a lowering kit or sweet talk George into crank up his lathe. Damn, I should have been thinking, that kit on EBay at about $40US was good value. Do they bob up every now and again or was that pretty unique?