Author Topic: Lemons  (Read 9790 times)

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Offline GMC

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« on: October 13, 2012, 01:39:14 pm »
Lemons, most of us would have had something we consider a lemon, sometimes for logical reasons, sometimes illogical reasons. We can develop great expectations of a bike only to suffer a reality check once we have bought it.
Like a young child when they get their first set of running shoes, they will be ecstatic with excitement at the thought of putting these fantastic things on their feet, but the excitement soon turns to disappointment when they find they still have to put one foot in front of the other quite quickly in order to actually run.

Sometimes bad bikes can give us great fond memories of a certain time in our lives so we can forgive them their shortcomings.
The KLX 250 often makes the world’s worst bike lists. Mine gave me a lot of grief and gobbled huge amounts of money as I tried to make it go faster. It consistently broke spokes and I lost count of how many times I wore out the motor. Its final downfall was when the gearbox exploded, literally, most likely from way to many power shifts.
But despite all this I still have very fond memories of this bike. It made me a better rider as it taught me how to corner harder and to keep momentum in difficult spots. It also taught me how to be a mechanic as I had it apart so many times.

Of all the bikes I have owned I only consider 3 of them to be lemons.

77 DT400
It probably didn’t help that I longed for an XT500 but at 17 & 9 months the DT was all I can afford. It was okay at first with my new found freedom but when a mate bought an XT I came to realize how bad it was. The XT would consistently out drag the DT and always by a huge and easy margin. One road trip the DT went through 5 tanks of fuel while the XT only used 1 tank. How it could use so much fuel and still be gutless was beyond me. An attempt to lean it out by the bike shop resulted in a melted piston. It was good for sliding around corners on dirt roads but that is the only good thing I remember about it. I tried not to hold against it an altercation with a truck that put me in a wheelchair for 3 months. I did fix it and ride it again but it was now on borrowed time.

88 TT 350
I trail rode a 125 the year before and while that was great fun it was a bit tedious on long trailrides so I went for a 4 stroke for 88. The 350 seemed like a good thing, more power than an XR250 and more nimble than an XR600. It always seemed though that in Enduro’s the 600’s would go under me in corners and the 250’s would blow me away down the straights. It was an okay trailbike but I just couldn’t come to terms with it as a race bike. Never really felt comfortable with it. Cam chain jumped a tooth during the Mallee Rally and I lost interest in it after that.

Montesa Cota 304 (Late 80’s)
I once knew a girl that had to sell her car because it kept having accidents all the time. I was a lot like that with this bike.
Always had an interest in Trials and then a mate lent me his 242 for a couple of weeks. It felt bloody weird the first time I rode it but when I got used to it I amazed myself at the places I could go.
Had to have a Trials bike myself now. I want one and I want it now.
Could have got a deal on a demo Fantic but I didn’t know much about them at the time so I opted for the Montesa as I at least knew a little about them.
Dnfed every second Trial at first.
Chain dislodged itself and became stuck in the enclosed tube it runs in, the event was over before I could get it sorted.
While warming up at one event the countershaft sprocket broke in half. Could have borrowed a sprocket but the taper was a different size to the earlier models so I packed up and went home.
The flywheel would consistently shear the key and fall off. Tried all sorts of thing to keep it on, lapped it in, tried not to rev it too hard.
Had a box of spare keys in the toolbox but pushing it back to the tool box was a pain.
One practice trip it unhooked itself in the trailer and the handlebars punched a hole through the fuel tank of the next bike.
One mate still laughs out loud about the time I hit neutral while going up a hill. Bloody fastest I ever traveled on a bike was on this thing going backwards. I was amazed at how long I stayed upright for but that only allowed the velocity to build up higher. Malcolm Smith is able to do this maneuver with style and grace but not me. The coming to a stop at the bottom was quite ugly.
Traded it in on a Fantic a year later.

What are your lemon stories?
G.M.C.  Bringing the past into the future

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2012, 04:14:38 pm »
I once owned a Holden Camira wagon, nice looking car, but it was a true lemon, everything went wrong with that car a cost me a lot of money, it had to go., Torana sunbird where another.
As far as bikes, the bikes that I have owned have not lived up to my expectation, the best bikes, at I truly enjoyed racing was the Honda Elsinore 125 cr, Bultaco MK7 125, Montesa vr 250, Maico MC 250 , it was a joy to ride and my kawasaki KT250 trials bike.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 04:23:43 pm by Fabrica Rider »

Offline firko

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2012, 04:22:31 pm »
Lemons...all of them.
* Bultaco Lobito..... Every time I mention what a piece of shit this bike was I get inundated with hate emails by the 'el Clubo Bultaco' faithful so out of fear of physical reprisal I won't bother repeating my tales of woe with the little yellow monster. Search out my ADB piece on it.

*1970 Yamaha RT1-MX.....As much as I love these black beauties today, my yellow striped RT1MX kept me perpetually broke back in 1970. I bought the bike from touring car legend Ian 'Pete' Geohegan after it had tried to kill him on a trail ride with Kevin Bartlett (501 Maico). He'd purchased the RT1 in the USA and stripped it and imported it into Australia in the boot of what was to become his Mustang race car.
After graduating from the Bultaco I became drunk with horsepower, becoming Maroubra's own Seth Enslow predecesor, roosting and jumping over the Kurnell sandhills like Malcolm, Steve and Mert in On Any Sunday and pretending to be a speedway superstar on the Boat Harbour tidal beach flats. Unfortunately RT1's, sand and BP Zoom 2 stroke fuel weren't a great combo and before long the bike suffered the first of a number of nip ups, the worst happening 2/3 of the way up an almost vertical (in my mind anyway) dune. Somehow, on the ensuing tumble to the bottom my foot got caught between the back wheel and the swingarm and the bike flung me around like I was a rag doll stuck in the spokes. I was so far into the dunes with my ankle still stuck in the swingarm, nobody could find me for an hour or so until a young couple who were obviously in the dunes for some open air nookie found me. Another three hours passed before the police rescue squad finally got to me in their Land rover. After removing the rear wheel to get my broken ankle out they took me to hospital with some severe naughty are dangerous lectures along the way. Apparently my mates had a shit of a time getting the bike out too.....but I digress.

For some reason the big Yammy loved eating ignition side crank bearings to the point that it ate two right side crank cases (you could buy them over the counter), it devoured swingarm bushes and steering head bearings and shock absorbers lasted a couple of months tops. In the end I gave up, took out a loan and bought the 350 square barrel Maico that I still own today. Looking back, everything that went wrong with the bike was down to big revs, an inadequate paper air filter and sand, a bad combo. If I'd have treated the bike like I treated the beloved Maico (only one trip to Kurnell ever) I'd have much better memories of that bike. As with Geoffs KLX 250 the RT1-MX taught me some good lessons about maintenance, sand proofing and most of all, how to build an engine. 

* 1972 Maico MC250...... I owned a 1972 Maico 250 radial that was, for some reason we never ever discovered, incredibly slow even by slow Maico 250 standards. I tried everything...Mikuni carb, Gary Treadwell ports, matter what I did it was still the slowest 250 Maico in our club by a long shot. Even importer Blair Harley agreed that it was a slow poke after he and Per Klitland did some laps of Nepean on it. I sold it to a fellow club member who raced it once and quickly got rid of it for the same reason I did.

I once owned a Holden Camira wagon, nice looking car, but it was a true lemon, everything went wrong with that car a cost me a lot of money, it had to go., Torana sunbird where another
Jeez picked two of the worst cars ever let me guess, you also owned a Sigma as well. Am I right? ;D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 04:27:22 pm by firko »
'68 Yamaha DT1 enduro, '69 Yamaha 'DT1 from Hell' '69 DT1'Dunger from Hell, '69 Cheney Yamaha 360, 70 Maico 350 (2 off), '68 Hindall Ducati 250, Hindall RT2MX, Hindall YZ250a , Cycle Factory RT2MX flat tracker, Yamaha 1T250J, Maico 250 trials, '71, Boyd and Stellings TM400, Shell OW72,750 Yamaha

Offline brent j

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2012, 05:17:27 pm »
Again not a bike but a Lemon all the same.
Morris Marina van.

Every other bad car I can think of has at least one redeeming feature, good brakes, easy clutch, nice gear change etc.
This car had nothing, spongy ineffective brakes, light switch clutch, heavy accelerator, vague steering, vague gear positions and and gear lever that regularly pulled out when you tried to get into reverse.
I suppose it's only good point was that it simply would not die.
The older I get, the faster I was

Offline Slakewell

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2012, 05:54:56 pm »
VA Montesa 125
One of the sexiest bikes ever made but owning it and to keep it running was akin to driving down the road throwing away $50.00 notes out the window.
I should have just put it to the pool room and left it there.   
Current bikes. KTM MC 250 77 Husky CR 360 77, Husky 82 420 Auto Bitsa XR 200 project. Dont need a pickle just need to ride my motorcickle

Offline suzuki59

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2012, 06:35:07 pm »
"Uncle" Firko the story behind your RT 1 whilst painful for you is the funniest thing I have read all year.Thanks. ; ;D
My top lemons
Modern bike
2001 KTM 400EXC when it went was a great bike but it blew a starter gear on its maiden ride in the Watagans and from then on was an unreliable bucket of puss.

Vmx bike the worst would have to be  ....... Wait for it I have only owned Suzukis so no issues..... Then again that 1984 rm 125E I brought from a guy in Sussex Inlet was a pile of crap,I suspect that it was rebuilt with Honda parts.


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Re: Lemons
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2012, 06:43:21 pm »
My wife tell's me she married a LEMON.....

Tony T

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2012, 06:52:32 pm »
My wife tell's me she married a LEMON.....

Remind her that she's one too, now.......  :P

Offline suzuki59

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2012, 06:55:13 pm »
I wouldn't dare say that to Mutch he craps bigger than me

Offline Rosco86

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2012, 07:01:38 pm »
Wish I kept my lemons.
Sold my orange Leyland P76 (inherited from a deceased parent) in imacculate condition other than it couldn't drive more than 15 mins without it overheating. Pre coolant days and all alloy v8 motors.
Bought a Cole-Elstar from Don Stafford, trouble from the star. Ignition 180 degrees out, didn't seem quick compared to the Jawa. Sold it and replaced it with the Godden- wessie which I am presently restoring.

Offline Ando

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2012, 07:56:51 pm »
If only we could get amongst a couple of lemons  ;D

Offline Kenneth S (222)

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2012, 07:57:27 pm »
I have one now! :-* An 84 CR 250 Re Honda. As much as it pains me to say it. This thing is a piece of shite. I love my Hondas but nothing should be this hard to keep on the track >:(
Kenneth S
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Offline Kenneth S (222)

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2012, 07:59:22 pm »
If only we could get amongst a couple of lemons  ;D
Yes I'm partial to a bit of sushi
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:10:47 pm by KJ222 »
Kenneth S
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Heaven VMX Club - Racing No 222 - 79 CR250RZ - 84 CR250RE (Steam Train) - 89 CR250RK

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76 RM125A, 77 RM125B, 78 RM125C, RM400C, 79 CR250RZ, 80 YZ250G, 81 RM465X, 82-83 RM490 Frank Pons Special(Beetle's 81 Race Bike)

Offline evo550

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Re: Lemons
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2012, 08:15:02 pm »
1992 wr 200, Looked fast and ahead of it's time, but was in reality a slow, heavy, poorley suspended, underbraked, wide P.O.S.
Good bye, Good riddance


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Re: Lemons
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2012, 08:24:01 pm »
Mark, I only owned a Camira, near owned a sigma or sunbird, I owned a Torana which had a 173 engine, one the best cars I owned was a EH Holden with low milage and the rear seat had never had a person sitting on it, it was layed down from new until the day l bought it off the fellow. the engine was a 149 grey engine.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:25:58 pm by Fabrica Rider »