This is the -98 replica.
We have one at work, it's kind of a replica of the replica. It has a original 98 replica frame, I built a 600 3-speed neutral at the bottom engine for it. Has the WP 50mm fork, SPES eshaust, bluehub wheels, technosel seat etc. Will get photos when I get my computer back.
I had a new replica in 99 (we got one each year) Same spesifications as in the folder, but the goldcoating on the fork and forkbrace was dropped before it was produced, it was a 4 speed beast. Had problems with it snapping the chain, couldn't use o-ring chain as the metal was too hard and brittle, non o-ring was ok as long as changed often.
Got the very first 2000 FC501 the year after, much better bike, went to the factory doors to pick it up, I had already ridden my bike the whole week when we went to the Swedish GP to see the blankets pulled off the new top secret bikes....
That bike broke every week that first half season, and about two weeks after something broke we got a letter from the factory saying that this thing needed to be modified, so they ran testing paralell with production.
Got a new -00 for the last half of the season, with no problems....