Its about 1976 and the first love of my life Trisha ( who had the most amazing tits and more patience than any woman i have ever known ) was the 3rd most important thing in my life after MX and the Arsenal
Southampton Scummers won the cup , Roger won his last championship and Noycey was our golden boy at home. Chicago , the four seasons and Johnny Mathis were on the wireless along with some Swedish sorts who wernt a patch on my Trisha
The arm is a DG one for RM A models that was aquired by a mate for me on the ask no questions account
It was actually a pain in the arse as with the LTR shock mods the chain run was all wrong
but we figured it added a bit of class so we put up with it
I think the bloody chain near sawed it in half so we put the std one back on
Was a great little bike that was replaced with an RM 125C