I have passed Lyle details onto the guy who has the bike. He will contact him, and ask for some identifcation, and give him the bike back.
The short story goes like- my mate bought the bike [he is not into VMX but does like, and collect, old bikes] from a bloke who bought it from a bloke ....
My mate was talking to the tyre seller at Warners Bay about the cheap vintage bike prices resulting form the poor economy.
The Bully was used as an example.
The tyre bloke commented on the coincidence of one being stolen, and my mate did not take too long to have the penny drop.
He asked the tyre bloke to get the contact details to sort it out.
He heard nothing from the tyre bloke so he asked me if I had heard anything.
I know another mate who has a gold medal- so a quick phone call sorted that it was not his bike that was stolen, but he knows Lyel.
So ..... the process is unfolding as we speak.
I know my mate is no bike thief.
He feels bad and wants to give the bike back to its original and proper owner.
He is out of pocket but wants no money in return.
It is easy to be critical of the original purchase....
I think he has done the right thing .
I hope I have helped.