Pretty good straight bike with what seems to be a good strong engine/clutch/gearbox. I built up this bike for myself but have found that with the limited amount of riding time I have these days I'm riding my modern all the time and this just sits around wasting away so it's better if someone else uses it. It's a very good starting point for a half decent race/ride bike and really requires no work whatsoever, maybe just a suspension service/revalve to suit a new owner.
GC plastics. VGC tank. VGC frame/swingarm. New seat cover.
New front brake disc and front brake line, front pads and rear shoes in VGC.
Rebuilt wheels with new rims/spokes/bearings and new tyres.
New heavier rate fork and shock springs.
Asking price is $3500.
Bike located in Bribie area and cash on pickup preferred as I will not pack or freight this bike.
Phone 0402543883 if interested, inspection is welcome. There's a couple of photos in the gumtree advert if interested.