My understanding of cdi/tci ignition is pretty basic but usually solve it in the end. [have a peak volt meter which helps when ohms reading is doubtful--But, got a stator plate for my yz490k off ebay some time ago & kicked back so hard it had me re-checking flywheel key etc but turned out to be a crook pulser making much more than the couple of volts at kick start speed. Bought the plate to get a good charge [source coil] as old one had given up, as they do, & really caused some headaches. Swapped original pulser & still ok a year later. Bought the 490 from ebay many years ago & guy had swapped stator just prior to advertising for sale & hadn't tightened flywheel. First kick here on arrival [excitement] bastard kicked back so hard it broke a tooth off idler gear & bent teeth on kick gear. Turned out he'd started it & switched off & must have sheared key during that unknown to him. Despite that he was a really good helpful guy to buy from so far as crating up to send etc. Thanks. ps, strobed it [kick it harder dear!!] to see where was firing [plug out of course--should have left it in & said to wifey--what are you doing--kick it!!]. Anyway i digress, was firing 90 degrees out--[that was the crook pulser problem one]. I'll start another post with a new question for you electronic whizzes.