From what I could work out, if I still had my old job (or hopefully when I get a new job at the same pay rate), I would get a $3 a year tax cut
Earning just under $80k?
Nathan $80K is $6.8K (8.5%) over average (not the median) total earning in OZ at the present moment. Most people don't get $19 tax cut if your income is average or above you are currently considered an 'A' hole by the current sickly green Government and punished unmercifully.
The whole carbon pricing is about wealth redistribution plain and simple. Now that may or may not be a good thing but to portraying such a process as saving the world environment is just not right.
For one group to stand up and say goody goody I got a tax cut while another group pays a larger share is just falling for the socialist agenda. Then if that punished group does protest they are labelled as an agnostic or sceptic as the science is settled
. It also shows how easy it is in Australia for a bad Government to gain traction when they are in the shit.
This is my only post on this as I don't need the last word