I will give an explanation of the demise of double the dirt from one who was at the meeting last night...
- 13 members present (4 on comittee included) the club has 141 members (< 10 % present)
- last year 20 came to double the dirt i.e. a loss making exercise, although enjoyed by those who attended, myself included.
- 40 entries are needed to break even.
- it was decided its a good event but promotion has been lacking, esp. in view of the titles this year. its also a bit difficult to find officials for 2 days etc.
- So it went to a vote - 7 against and 4 for it. Those against dont do the dirt track so fair enough they cant see the point of running a loss making exercise.
- so 7 % of the club (who dont care about dirt track) decided the outcome of an event that those who have done it have always enjoyed !! Pretty ordinary hey!
- it was discussed that maybe we need the dirt track as a stand alone thing without the mx the next day because of inconvenience of tyre changing, 2 day event etc, to be discussed, and maybe we run an event for dirt track later in the year.
its pretty hard to get a day in at North Brisbane club so I think that’s wishful thinking.
the track is booked, I sorted the free tyre sat arvo changer was sorted in Feb. Admittedly the tyre changer wasn’t there last year, but some ran with trials tyres on Sunday and were surprised how good they were. I changed my tyres over a couple of beers, no rush and that was alright too.
So... the event isn’t quite dead, and can happen but those who are keen better speak up pretty quick and put your money where your mouth is! 40 + needed within a week!!
It can run – even if its a non scored low stress event for those who are keen and those who want to try it. Im keen..
So the lesson is there-- if you don’t turn up to meeting the outcome is not always what you want
Sean Allanson
BMCC vice pres.