Hi Nathan
this is doing my head in
i must have the wrong info on engines J is 1989 on my info
but kx80j is 1987
kx125j is 92-3
kx250j is 92
then you have 1992 kx500 is E4
I dont get it. have some eng # for you
J is 1989 for the bikes that went to the 16 digit VIN, but Kawasaki and Yamaha were not using VINs in 1989 - they were still sticking with their old letter codes.
Kawasaki was particularly confusing, because they didn't consistantly alter their letters..
The basic rule is that if a new model is 95% the same as the old model, then the letter stays the same, and the number increments by +1.
This is why the KX500 got up to E16 at the end of its life - it was still the same basic bike as they'd been churning out since 1988 and none of the updates were big enough to get a new letter.
It also explains why a 1985 KX125 has a different letter to the same year KX80.
Eg: 1983 KDX200A got a moderate update to become the 1984 KDX200B. The 1985 model was virtually identical, so it became the KDX200B2.
Then the whole new 1986 KDX200C came out. Internationally, the 1987 and 1988 models were KDX200C2 and KDX200C3 resprecitvely, but the Aussie models were significanty changed for ADR Compliance, and became KDX200D and KDX200D2...
If that's not confusing enough, there are screw-ups in it, too. The 1980 KX125A6 has nothing in common with the 1974 KX125 - they should have been KX125D or something by 1980, but instead they kept going with the letter A.
DX250AE007749 = 1983~85 KDX250.
1985(?) KX250D.
KX80F = mid 1980s?? Water cooled, non-power vavled?
F7 = 1970s F7 175 trail bike (sorry, not much help on the older ones).
F8 = F8 (dunno what an F8 is, but Google should help).
F11E = F11 1970s 250 trail bike. I think the "E" makes it a later one, from 1975ish, but am very vague on that bit!