What gets me is that most "Back & forth" texting that can take several minutes if not half an hour or so would be over & done with in a 30 second phone call.
My kids would get off the bus & are flat texting to the person they were just talking to. How can anyone have that much to say? (I know, a bit rich coming from me)
I work (Read employed) for Telstra, I was 30 years in the field as a Tech but now I'm in the office (Hiding) and everyone has "Smart phones". I was offered one but refused. The thing is the first thing they get you to do is link your email to it and viola, your at their beck & call 24/7. I have an old flip phone, fits nicely in my pocket (Not on some poofy accessory clip on pouch) does this wonderous thing called "Phone calls". You push a few buttons, someone at the other end goes "Hello" & you converse. What will they think of next. The guys with their iPhones have to push this, slide that, hold their tongue to the left side, stand on one foot. I open the flap & go yep!
My kids "Prank" me so they don't have to pay for the call if it is really neccessary to talk to me (God forbid). Kids I kinda understand with free or 1c text but adults who do it just amaze me. I fine with, leaving now, you at home, coming for a beer (Favourite) stuff like that but when it's "War & Peace". Jimminy Cricket!
The other is they will text you at some ungodly hour justifying it by thinking "At least I didn't ring". The bloody thing still goes off!
My wife just had to have an iPhone. Apparently EVERYONE is on Facetube or Youbook these days so so did she. I said why dont you just call them? Not cool aparently. The other & most importantly is you can play scrabble on it, with anyone around the world. F me! How great is that? Things is she plays with the kids. Now that wouldn't be so bad if they were in Melbourne or something like that but they sit in the same room! We have the board game for christ sakes. (Very religious today aren't I?)
Bill, you're not ignorant, you are actually polite wanting to talk rather than text