Author Topic: Photographers at Vintage Events  (Read 7153 times)

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2012, 01:31:15 PM »
If the photographer has some agreement with the promoter to take photographs and also wants to compete or participate in the event and the riders application or the supp regs stipulate that it must be accompanied with the appropriate fee then there could be legal grounds to deny insurance in the event of this photographer as a rider having an accident where the application did not include the fee. The photographer may then sue the promoter to recover loss of income and medical expenses. It could get quite nasty depending on the wording in the application or supp regs.
If the photographer is working for commercial gain then wouldn't the fee be classed as a business expense?

If the photographer has some agreement with the promoter to take photographs of the event then I guess it is at the promoter's discretion as to what, if any fee is charged or if any payment is made for the service.   

Offline bazza

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2012, 01:32:18 PM »
Think NSW needs to talk to local MP's get Noahs 2000BC "speedway act" bought into modern requirements
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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2012, 11:23:51 PM »
It all sounds a bit petty to me.
In order to make it safe???
How does paying money make it safe??
I can understand in this world of litigation that organizers might want you to be entered if you were riding around on the property but not for walking.

I have ridden around a couple of events in order to photograph and I believe I have done so sensibly.
I doubt that anyone with an SLR around their neck is going to be out there cutting cheap laps.
And really, anyone could don a helmet and borrow a bike for a lap and not be noticed, what makes you think photographers would be the only ones on the scam?
Might want to charge all spectators an entry just in case one of them sneaks out.

Any notion that photographers make a shit load of money is also crap. It may seem expensive for the odd photo but I believe a lot of photographers would struggle to make the fuel money just to get to the event and back.
Not that I have tried hard but it would take me years just to pay off a camera. Would sort of hourly rate do you reckon these guys make?
I think most would be happy for their hobby to break even.

Be forked if I would ever pay $80.00 for the privilege of taking my camera out of the case.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I was under the impression that the insurance paid by the riders under MA is in case they run some one over.
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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2012, 11:43:15 PM »
As a general rule, do most of you think that charging photographers the full entry fee to be at a vintage event is good for the sport?
No good....... :(

Bigger Open/National events is another matter,because they may make a load of profit.Like other stall holders on the day of the event.
cheers a
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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2012, 12:27:48 AM »
It all sounds a bit petty to me.
In order to make it safe???
How does paying money make it safe??
I can understand in this world of litigation that organizers might want you to be entered if you were riding around on the property but not for walking.

I have ridden around a couple of events in order to photograph and I believe I have done so sensibly.
I doubt that anyone with an SLR around their neck is going to be out there cutting cheap laps.
And really, anyone could don a helmet and borrow a bike for a lap and not be noticed, what makes you think photographers would be the only ones on the scam?
Might want to charge all spectators an entry just in case one of them sneaks out.

Any notion that photographers make a shit load of money is also crap. It may seem expensive for the odd photo but I believe a lot of photographers would struggle to make the fuel money just to get to the event and back.
Not that I have tried hard but it would take me years just to pay off a camera. Would sort of hourly rate do you reckon these guys make?
I think most would be happy for their hobby to break even.

Be forked if I would ever pay $80.00 for the privilege of taking my camera out of the case.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I was under the impression that the insurance paid by the riders under MA is in case they run some one over.

I agree with you 100% GMC

Cheers Mick.

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2012, 12:31:16 PM »
I think that ultimately it is up to the organisers of events to decide on how they are prepared to run an even, and for us as entrants to remember that it is an event to ride our old motorcycles in first and all other considerations should come seccond.



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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2012, 12:55:31 PM »
I think that ultimately it is up to the organisers of events to decide on how they are prepared to run an even, and for us as entrants to remember that it is an event to ride our old motorcycles in first and all other considerations should come seccond.


Agree 100% its easy to lose sight of the object of the exercise sometimes  :)

But i think the point being raised was the raising of revenue veiled under the saftey umbrella  ;)


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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2012, 02:41:01 PM »
I think that ultimately it is up to the organisers of events to decide on how they are prepared to run an event, and for us as entrants to remember that it is an event to ride our old motorcycles in first and all other considerations should come second.


That is true Leslie, but it is also up to the entrants if they like the format ( rules! ) or not and if seen to be very unreasonable then that will inturn show in the numbers that turn up to the event..

Cheers mick.

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2012, 04:34:41 PM »
I do recall Heaven copping an absolute roasting for not allowing a photographer access to a meeting a few years ago...

Look, I get the point about dissuading riders from pretending to be photographers, but surely it's not hard to work out who is legitimate and who is scamming...
Does MA have a process for formally accrediting photographers?
The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline 4V5

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2012, 06:30:28 PM »
I paid for my mate to go to Denman purely as a photographer, because no matter how I look at it I'm supporting an event that has been put on for us as riders to ride in, I could boycott it or not bring a mate if I didn't like the rules but what would the alternative be?

but don't get me wrong I can understand the issues raised, if this were an event I had to drive 10+ hours to attend to take photos my opinion on it would be much different, raising issues and discussing them means that small issues don't become major ones.


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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2012, 08:27:08 PM »
This all seems a bit silly, charging a photographer [professional or not] at a VMX event doesnt make sense. Any promoting of these events has to be good for the sport. As long as the photographers are briefed as to whats expected of them and the indemnity form is signed then only good can come of it . Unless its a safety vehicle or competitor there shouldnt be any other vehicle with in cooee of the course.

At the end of the day its up to the club and officials involved. Sometime we have to swollow things that we dont agree with [handle bar pads, chain guards etc]. Im sure most events wont follow there leed.

Good luck Tony, minds can change if you dont push to hard.
Cheers Troy

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2012, 06:38:49 PM »
I think that ultimately it is up to the organisers of events to decide on how they are prepared to run an even, and for us as entrants to remember that it is an event to ride our old motorcycles in first and all other considerations should come seccond.


Agree 100% its easy to lose sight of the object of the exercise sometimes  :)

But i think the point being raised was the raising of revenue veiled under the saftey umbrella  ;)

I would have a sneaking suspicion that this statement is right on the money. Safety as we know it now in our workplaces is a multi-billion dollar industry that never existed when our vintage motorcycles first graced the showroom floor. Sadly suing people seems to be far more acceptable and popular than someone taking responsibility for their own actions. Unfortunately the laws of today accomodate the shifting of responsibility to another party and so the gravy train keeps on rolling.

Offline Mike52

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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2012, 08:11:54 AM »
If I have a helmet cam am I a photographer ?
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .


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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2012, 08:50:31 AM »
Does MA have a process for formally accrediting photographers?

I'm sure they could make one... More "Red Tape"   :-\ 

May as well join he rest of the country... it will keep another non producer employed.
YZ125E, RM250T

Is it way too small? A bit of work with the heat gun or hot water could soften it enough to fit if it's close. Maybe some rubber friendly grease as well.
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Re: Photographers at Vintage Events
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2012, 10:20:16 AM »
First up, thank you and congratulations to the organisors of the Denman Vinduro for listening and taking on board a heap of different opinions on this issue.
There's been some discussion outside this forum and they have now decided to tighten up the process for photographers to get track access, but not charge them an entry fee.
More than fair, I feel.  ;D