Hi Guys,
I am seeking Ideas and variations from others, who may have the experience of building a Yamaha HL500. or their own version of a HL500!
Info in a broad range would be great... like if people have used their original standard XT/TT frame or have modified it.
I have a 1979/80 CR 250 frame laying about also, that may be used for this Project???
I have heard that early- mid seventy's Husky frames are the frame that were used on the original HL500... also Maico 1978 frames have been used.
I am interested to know, if frames have been used from other makes also... and if, they have been successful in handling department.
Also the combination of other components that have been used, swingarms, wheels, front forks & shocks etc.
If you would like to post up pics of your own HL500, or version of... that would be great too!