« on: December 23, 2011, 01:22:21 pm »
With the talk elsewhere of building a 'Goof' replica, this bike looks to be a good starting point. I notice it's got one of those funky tank covers so the tank's probably ugly but the rest of the bike looks pretty clean. Not many of these made it to Australia when compared to CR500s, KX500's and YZ490s

Ad # 3186060 December 20, 2011
1983 Suzuki RM500 fully restored Be the only one on your block with one of these. Sweet wide powerband and more horsepower than most people can use! $3000. thank you for the swap meet.
Ken Hoehn
Woodinville, WA
Phone: 206-779-8847 | Email
Registered Since 6/30/2011 | 6 Posts

'68 Yamaha DT1 enduro, '69 Yamaha 'DT1 from Hell' '69 DT1'Dunger from Hell, '69 Cheney Yamaha 360, 70 Maico 350 (2 off), '68 Hindall Ducati 250, Hindall RT2MX, Hindall YZ250a , Cycle Factory RT2MX flat tracker, Yamaha 1T250J, Maico 250 trials, '71, Boyd and Stellings TM400, Shell OW72,750 Yamaha