HEy Col, i think with the split the pre 78 will grow to take age groups, even if its under 40 and over 40.
I think the reason we had the number at CB was that they were already riding every other class. So onces the pre78 stands alone with the other stuff now in 2012 it will be the premium class for the split as far as it finding its own place in time.
I would certainly suggest with the split the punters will start building pre 78 bikes again, and with the age split you will be able to cut the classes up into bit sizes so if your like you and me and ride all over the place in era and sizes, it means you can - rather than having 7 back to back races which will be important to work out in the new program so bike number dont fall off and guys end up only bring 1-2 ridesbecause of it
I know its a long way out to be thinking, but i suggest strongly with the new split it would be good if a mock program of events can be written up with a proposed race list for your event and that is released with the supp regs ( orders etc always pending final numbers) but what that will allows entrants is plenty of time to chose the era/bikes they want to ride ,so they can pick there spaces and avoid back to back rides. ( also meaning they only have them selve to blame if they do - be less grumbling)
Doing that early in the peice will allow them to build new rides, finish old ones or even leave bikes at home and take a chance on a new class, riding up and so on, so they can get the maximum value from the event and i think you'll find increasing the number of bikes entered.
What i found at crystal brook was we had a static number of rider but we where able to put a program together that meant they could ride lotsa bikes, with laps they could handle, and the flow on for spectators was good cause the races all looked full and built up the atmosphere. ( all 25 Race classes made Aussie title status which i think is important.)
IF you can only attract so many rider to enter, creating more options for them to fill your event is the next best thing.
I think the split is a good thing, we just need to manage it smartly and support entrants for it to be succesfull and make the next step forward.