As an exhausty-we do this most days. If there is a bit left hanging out-weld a nut on it, the bigger the better, the heat transfer through the bolt will help loosen it, the work it back and forth-with your Inox spryed all over and it will most likely come out.
If not, drill a pilot hole down the middle and get more spray in there-leave it a while-good time for a cuppa
, then try again. If still no good go up a size on the drill bit and work on it again, and so on.
Most mechanics want it to happen in an instant-after it's been there for 40yrs.
Sometimes we can spend hours doing this and then we get in the shit for charging $400.00 for 6 studs
Not sure about the brass nuts-we don't use them-ever. And dont use spring washers as they will soften with the heat and then let go. ALWAYS retension after the first good run-we offer a free retension on all these jobs. That way it saves alot on warranty 12 mths later.