I tried to put it to the track management years ago that they would do well to have an Amateur / Vintage MX track on the old channel O site and leave the main track to the moderns / experts.
As I recall not many liked the Channel 0 track as it wasn’t a true MX track because it was built for the buggy’s to suit TV, and yes, there was also the dust.
The drive into this area I believe was the old start straight.
I have some copies of old 8mm of it I will sort out one day.
They tried to use this area for the Pre 75’s at the first Bonanza but it failed because of the dust.
This area has also been ridden to death from Club MX & Pony Express events over the years as well.
If they can build a new track, groom it with sawdust and set up watering systems then it could be a really good thing.
I think to resurrect the old track would be a waste of time and effort.
DVMCC had a club day earlier this year and made there own track on the bush block Vinduro site.
From all reports it was a great track and some that were there thought it would make a great VMX track.