Nathan, I don't believe what you said [The RTA doesn't make policy].
It seems to me the the RTA, at least with the previous lot of pollies was the worst type of quango possible and the new lots' stated policy of turfing out the current RTA is the best news as far as NSW is concerned.
It seems they have had an open slather run at empire building, massive spending, for contractor mates etc, to the detriment of sensible transport alternatives, ridiculous deals with thier mates at places like mac-bank to get money out of mobile parking stations, [read M5 etc], with minimum thought for future needs.
Lets hope the new plan for transport infrastructure rectifies these problems.
I believe oz has the knowledge and the opportunity to show the rest of the world how its done in this respect instead of blindly following the rest of the world where in a lot of countries we traditionally follow trucks and cars just get into cruise mode but then hit the border or the sea!
Here endeth my rant for today.
cheers pancho