Result already;
warning, not VMX.
The school and police have just recontacted me.
They held a full assembly. I had said five assailants, six fessed up to being in the group. Three of them fessed up to being the missile launchers. Which three was exactly as I reported.
The boys said the beautiful lady pushing the pram was just their by coincidence and unrelated to them. And her verbal communication was to discourage them(boy is my face red
, generously endowed lady
). Boy, how easy wars can start
Any how, their parents are the next liaison.
Another bloody funeral attended today. I think it was bringing death to front of my mind. And the fact that I had let it go unreported.
I didn’t tell people in the area when it happened.
I was unsure what to do? Given I was a terrible kid once, I never did any shit like that but.
But truly, it is amazing how much better I felt when supportive words came from other members of this forum yesterday.
This forum has done more than improve my spelling, Thank you for the support, it made a big difference, and gave me the confidence to deal calmly with all concerned.