Author Topic: I've gone too far... apparently  (Read 4466 times)

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Evil Rudy

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I've gone too far... apparently
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:56:57 pm »
Note from Graeme to me... for public consumption.

Two things. First there must be some posts deleted out of this one. I've been away paddling in Bega and come back to a whole string of complaints in my In Box about this thread, and in particular your comments. But the only objectionable one I can see (other than the tone of the whole thread) is yours about Nathan. Second, I think Nath's right. You have no idea who he is. He does not have blonde hair, peroxided or otherwise. And he sure doesn't look gay to me. So, maybe you need to pull your head in and shut up about things you don't know about.

So here it is. One more pointless immature smartarse comment about Nathan and you are banned. OK? Just leave it be.



Poor Trevor flood, picks up a vacuum and look what happens. All supposed heroes go the same way. One more thread started and hijacked. Shame.

Two things. First other than Nathan - what complaints. I get e-mails all weeks about the bleeding heart asking to get him to shut up, but the little gen Y emo just wont. Don't hate the player, hate the game. I know who Nate is. He's the testicle-less wonder that didn't have the stones to approach me at the 12 hour. He's a chicken shit lefty who hides behind hundreds of kilometers of internet distance. He even walked by and made eye contact, I shouted to him (in front of about half dozen of the country's off road elite and transmoto staff) but no guts. So in front of all of them I said "fine you pillow biter, don't come and say hi", and flipped him the one fingered salute.

He will of course deny all this out of sheer plausible deny-ability. And the "s" on my forehead is for Satan, not Stupid, I know what he looks like and I know he doesn't have peroxide blonde hair. FFS. We do know (without bona fide genetic testing provided) that he may have had hetero sexual sex at least once by evidence of his offspring. Plenty of closet cases with kids. It's more a reference to his flighty attitude and pure assuredness than his sexual persuasion. fork, lighten up. I will not pull my head in and I will not shut up. I know him, I know you. I've been with the pair of you in the service, at work, had dozens like you work for me, and even had the displeasure of having one of you be my boss for a short time.

Second, don't tell me what to do. Do what the fork you want but don't threaten me. You want to ban me, fine ban me. You want to stick up for a spineless sycophant who cant do his own bidding, fine, but don't give me shit about getting what he deserves.

So here it is, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ban me if you must.


Offline Graeme M

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 11:00:58 pm »
Gawd, you really are a strange one. OK, no worries, I couldn't care less. Banned it is. See ya.

Offline Lozza

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 11:08:23 pm »
Into the dumbguneon or whatever it is with this one?
Jesus only loves two strokes


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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 11:11:41 pm »
This is all getting a bit tiring. Dumgeon or whatever but more.

Offline Kane Mcguire

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 11:16:02 pm »
well done graham.


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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 11:17:35 pm »
  ::) was wondering when the rope would snatch tight. Inevitable when one posts with such venom but sad it had to come to this.


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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 11:36:27 pm »
overdue i would say ..... nothing personnel against Evil or Nathan

Offline matcho mick

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 11:39:31 pm »
 ::) was wondering when the rope would snatch tight. Inevitable when one posts with such venom but sad it had to come to this.
don't think it was rope doc,more like chain to me, wtf
work,the curse of the racing class!!
if a hammer dosn't fix it,you have a electrical problem!!

Offline motomaniac

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2011, 12:03:33 am »
 Sorry but I find the following examples more condescending and offensive than Evil Rudy's personal swipes at the author

"Oh, FFS, please tell me that you're all just trolling here"

"The semi hysterical ranting about Mr Flood is ridiculous, even by this forum's standards"

These comments as usual are way off the mark  and its a wonder that more forum members didnt feel moved to give BS someback .

Double sorry but I think that banning Evil Rudy (who ever he is) is a sad occurence for the forum and a mistake.

Offline Nathan S

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2011, 12:29:26 am »
Just because I'm sick of the mis-truths and outright nonsense:

Funnily enough, I thought Rudy was avoiding eye contact with me. I figured I'd sus him out, because previous experience with him in real life has been far more amicable than his forum persona, but he always seemed to be otherwise occupied when I walked past.
So I didn't bother pushing the point.
He may have called out to me, but I sure didn't hear it.

There was certainly no effort from young Rudy to come and find me at the event, FWIW.


More generally, I'm sure that anyone who has ever met me knows how wide of the mark Rudy has been.
I've found it baffling that he's spewed so much vitriole at me, based around a stack of totally inaccurate assumptions - this morning he got so bad that I finally realised that he was simply trolling for a response from me, but it looks like I was wrong - he was serious. :o


Edit upon further thought:

A few weeks ago, I pointed out that I'd become the focal point for the unresolved issues in his life. I think that his homophobic ranting shows this pretty clearly - even if I was gay, it would have zero influence on my forum persona and even less influence on Rudy's life. Clearly, in Rudy's mind, I'm everyone who has ever pissed him off, and he's out to 'get even' - he basically says as much at the beginning of this thread. The problem is, that apart from political views, we're pretty much on the same page so he's had to grasp at straws and simply fabricate untruths to turn me into the demon he wants me to be.

The blokes that are part of the PM group that worked him into a lather would be well advised to do some research on mental health issues, particularly given the inner demons that Rudy is clearly wrestling with. You don't have to like me - but if you consider Rudy to be a mate then you should be encouraging him to deal with those demons properly. (NB: I've had to deal with enough mental health issues among loved ones that I do not ever talk about mental health as an insult or a dig).

I've actually tried to talk to Mark via PM, but he doesn't reply.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 12:57:35 am by Nathan S »
The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2011, 12:46:58 am »
If you want to keep this great forum going a code of conduct must be adhered to by all, Tongue in cheek comments and come on comments designed to get a rise out of individuals and groups can and often go to far or get worse with more and more comments. No one comes here to be abused so I would suggest that self regulation is the key, be respectful, treat others as you would want to be treated and read what you write a few times before you hit the post button.

Just don't spoil a good thing with a moment of thoughtlesness.
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Offline Graeme M

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2011, 06:35:14 am »
Let's just drop it and move on. Endless discussion around people's motives or whatever isn't going to clear the air or change my mind.

Look, I don't know this Evil Rudy character. He's probably a decent bloke. But...

As everyone knows, I keep a pretty loose ship. I've copped a lot of grief because of that, including phone calls and personal conversations at race meets, and even threats of legal action. My view though is that we are grown up and should be able to cop it on the chin.

However, Evils' sheer nastiness, while it may not be a true indication of the guy's character, gets me down. I've PMed him about other comments and never received an apology. Rather he just says "do what you gotta do". Yesterday's effort where he publicly airs a private PM and insults me when he does is going too far.

It's MY forum and I will run it as I see fit. If you want to be a smartarse to me, fine, but just don't expect to get a second go at it.

For the record. I really couldn't care less what people say on here. It's just words on a screen. But, I understand that it is now bigger than a few mates having a chat and some sort of standard needs to be upheld. I've received enough feedback to know that once it gets nasty, people want it nipped in the bud. So, I will try to do that in an even handed way, and I'll try to do it behind 'closed doors' so to speak.

But if I do that and you can't respect that, you treat me like shit because of that, you're gone. End of story.


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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 08:28:28 am »
I don't know of the shitfight you speak of Graeme, but you do a great job as Webmaster and you have my thanks and gratitude for running a great forum 8)

I owe you a 'cold one' mate  ;D.

Offline vmx42

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2011, 08:54:21 am »
Hey Graeme,
As a Canberra local, do you reckon you could cruise by Parliament House and see if you can impose some of the OzVMX standards on our fearless leaders. From yesterdays performance it seems somebody spiked their red cordial.

I know it is a big ask, but if you can deal with Rudy anything is possible.  :D

P.S. Come on Rudy, you always encourage others to 'Man Up' so now is time for you to do the same. You know you stepped [OK jumped or polevaulted] over the line so tough it out and admit you went too far - a bit of humility wouldn't go astray…
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down here…

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Offline Mike52

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Re: I've gone too far... apparently
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2011, 09:32:02 am »
Evil is not the only sour one on this forum. :-*
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .